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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 28, 1987; Entered into force on October 28, 1987.
I.Scope of Cooperation
The scope of cooperative activities may cover the entire spec-
trum of science and technology, including social sciences and
humanities, over which both DFG and NSC have funding jurisdic-
tion and may identify a sufficient mutual interest.

II. Eligibility of Participation
All scientists and scholars who are permanent members of the
scientific and scholarly communities of the Federal Republic
of Germany and the Republic of China on Taiwan may request
support from DFG and NSC, respectively, to participate in t-
he cooperative activities. In this regard, permanent member-
ship is primarily determined by the affiliation of the scie-
ntist or scholar with an institution of research or higher
learning. On a case by case basis, however, third party sci-
entists and scholars may be allowed to participate, in full
or in part, in the envisaged cooperative activities upon ex-
press agreement DFG and NSC.
iii.Joint Seminars
1.Joint Seminars can be held in either country. Upon approv-
al of a joint seminar proposal, DFG and NSC should each a-
ppoint an organizer of the seminar. The co-organizers sho-
uld, within the terms of approval, prepare the joint semi-
nar in detail.
2.When appropriate, the agency of the dispatching country m-
ay sponsor its organizer to make an exploratory visit to
the host country for more efficient planning.
3.Normally the agency of the dispatching country will be re-
sponsible for the international travel of its personnel,
and the agency of the host country will provide usual hos-
pitalities and amenities, including perdiem expenses and
domestic intercity transportation that is not included in
the international travel.
4.Based on past experiences, a fruitful joint seminar would
usually require a preparation period of six months or mo-
5.In accordance with the practice of international science,
the joint seminars will be conducted in the English langu-
age, unless other arrangements are agreed to between the
6.The co-organizers will prepare a
summary report of the joint seminar to DFG and NSC, unless
the proceedings of the joint seminar will be published and
made available to DFG and NSC.

IV.Joint Research Projects
1.Normally a joint research project will involve one or more
scientists and scholars of one country spending some time
in the other to do research at a host institution. The end-
orsement of both the home institution and the host institu-
tion is therefore a pre - requiste.
2.As a rule, the agency of the dispatching cocoitry will be
responsible for the international travel of the scientists
and scholars in question. The host institution will provide
basic research facilities and supplies, as well as the usu-
al amenities.
3.The salaries and/ or stipends of the visiting scientists a-
nd scholars shall be determined on a case by case basis, h-
aving in mind that in the past certain cost-sharing schemes
had been successful. DFG and NSC will both make their exis-
ting funding channels available to participating scientists
and scholars.
4.While the stay of a visiting scientist and scholar should
be flexible, it is understood that such stay shall normally
be between one month and one year, unless extraordinary co-
nditions should warrent a longer stay.
5.When proposals for joint research are sent to DFG and NSC.
total cost to be derived from various sources should be cl-
early indicated.
6.When a joint research project results in publication on a
scientific or scholarly journal, credit should be appropri-
ately given to DFG and NSC in such publications.

V.Exploratory and Consultative Visits
1.Exploratory visits are designed to enable interested scient-
ists and scholars to develop cooperative activities in the
other country. Normally the agency of the dispatching count-
ry will be responsible for the international travel, while
the agency of the receiving country will provide hospitalit-
ies and the usual amenities, including perdiem expenses and
domestic inter--city transportation that is not included in
the international travel. The duration of exploratory visi-
ts usually will not exceed one month.
2.Consultative visits are designed for scientists and scholars
of the two countries doing pamallel or complementary resear-
ch in their own countries, but may enhance the research res-
ults of each other by getting together for consultation. Su-
ch visits usually will not exceed three months. In principle
, consultative visits may be financed on the same basis as
the exploratory visits.
VI.Referral Services
1.From past experiences, it is recognized that from time to
time one party may wish to consult the expertise of the ot-
her in planning, evaluation, or the solution of technical
problems. DFG and NSC therefore undertake to provide refer-
ral services to each other, in identifying talents and exp-
ertises in their own countries for the other, upon request.
2.The cost to follow-up on the recommendations of such refer-
ral services should be absorbed by the requesting party.

VII.Liaison Mechanism
1.As has been done in the past, the Department of Internati-
onal Relations of DFG and the Division of International P-
rograms of NSC will act as the central mechanism for liai-
son and communications purposes, and function as the info-
rmation clearance house.
2.It is recognized that periodic meeting between the respon-
sible personnel of the DFG Department of International Re-
lations and the NSC Division of International Programs is
important to assure the efficiency and efficacy of the ab-
ove-envisaged cooperative activities. When funds are avai-
lable, it is agreed that an annual meeting of consultation
will be held alternately in Bonn and Taipei.

VIII.Amendments and Expiration
1.The above guidelines shall become effective upon confirm-
ation between DFG and NSC.
2.Amendments to these guidelines may be made by mutual agr-
eement between DFG and NSC.
3.Either DFG or NSC may terminate the cooperative arrangem-
ents by serving notice to the other one year prior to the
intended date of termination. It is understood, however,
such termination should not affect cooperative activities
already established, which should be carried out to their
logical conclusions.
Dr. Joachim Wiercimok
Director, Foreign Relations Dept.
Deutsche Forschungsgemelnschaft
Dr. Weichen Tien
Director, International
Programs Division
National Science
October 28, 1987
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)