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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Title: LETTER OF INTENT (AD.1989.6.22)
Announced Date: 1989-06-22
Effective: 1989-06-22
1.Signed on June 22, 1989 Entered into force on June 22, 1989
Guidelines for cooperation of the Swiss National Science Founda-
tion (SNSF), Berne, and the National Science Council (NSC), Tai-
During the talks between SNSF and the Science and Technology De-
legation from NSC held in Berne in November 1986, and between Mr
. Rolph Gassmann, Deputy Secretary General, SNSF, and Prof. Dr.
Hsien-Chun Meng, Director of the Representative Office in Europe
, NSC, on 21st July 1988, the following conclusions were reached
1 Future cooperation between NSC and SNSF, regarded valuable, w-
ill be promoted by both sides.
2 Cooperation should be encouraged in all fields of science and
technology including natural sciences, engineering, life scie-
nces, humanities and social sciences.
3 Both parties will support cooperation which includes an excha-
nge of scientists and information, joint seminars, joint rese-
arch projects and visits of scientists to the country of the
other party.
4 International travel expenses for the participants will be bo-
rne by the sending country; living allowances will be borne by
the host country.
5 The sending country may recommend candidates for the exchange.
Priority should be given to those scientists with counterparts
in the host country.
6 Details regarding joint research projects will be discussed a-
nd decided on an individual basis.

Signed in Berne
For National
Science Council
Prof. Dr. Hen-Min Hsia
Chairman of NSC
Date: June 22, [19]89
For Swiss Naional
Science Foundation
Prof. Dr. Andre
President of Swiss
National Research
Date: 22 juin 1989
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)