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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 16, 1990; Entered into force on August 16, 1990.
The National Science Council, Republic of China on Taiwan, and
EOLAS-The Irish Science and Technology Agency, recognising the
importance of cooperation between the two countries within the
scope of Applied Science Research and Technological Development,
namely in the areas of Innovation, Information and Technology T-
ransfer to Industry, desiring to further strengthen cooperation
between the two organisations, have agreed as follows:

Article 1
The objective of the present protocol is to define the frame of
cooperation between the National Science Council and EOLAS in t-
he fields of Applied Science Research and Technological Develop-
ment. This cooperation shall be carried out by one or more of t-
he following means:
1 Exchange of Scientific and Technical Information.
2 Exchange of Researcher
3 Bilateral Seminars.
4 Accomplishment of Joint Research Projects.
5 Mutual support to the development of programmes in fields of
common interest.
6 Any other form agreed upon by both parties within their legal

Article 2
In order to encourage the implementation of the actions foreseen
in Article 1 the Contracting Parties have agreed on
1 Establishing annual cooperation programmes in which there will
be stipulated by both parties the development of positive act-
2 The meetings concerned with progressing the programmes mentio-
ned in paragraph 1 will be alternatively held in Ireland and

Article 3
The means and procedures required for the performance of the co-
operation actions resulting from the signature of the present P-
rotocol shall be settled by suitable agreements between the Nat-
ional Science Council and EOLAS having in view, each action whi-
ch shall be accomplished, its definition and costs.

Article 4
Each contracting Party shall carry in their budgets the financi-
al resources which shall adequately provide for the achievement
of the approved actions.

Article 5
Each Contracting Party shall assume travel costs of their visit-
ing researchers to the other Party and the host Party shall ass-
ume subsistence and local travel expenses. The Parties shall es-
tablish the amount of this " per diem " which will be reviewed
each year.

Article 6
The present Protocol shall enter in force on the date of its si-
gnature by the Contracting Parties.

Article 7
The present Protocol shall remain in force for a period of one
year. Upon expiration it shall be automatically renewed for an
equal period except if one of the Contracting Parties should gi-
ve six(6) months written notice to the other Contracting Party,
of its intention to terminate the Protocol.

Article 8
In the event of termination by one of the Parties the ongoing a-
ctions shall be maintained except if otherwise agreed between t-
he Contracting Parties.

Article 9
The present Protocol shall be altered by mutual agreement betwe-
en the Contracting Parties.
Done in duplicate at Taipei on the 16th of August 1990.
Yu Sung
Programs Division,
J. M. McBride
Chief Executive
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)