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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 20, 1989; Entered into force on June 20, 1989.
In their wish to further intensify their cooperation in the fie-
ld of academic training and scientific research and with a view
to jointly support "sandwich" structured, cooperative Ph.D. deg-
ree programmes,
the National Science Council, Taipei (thereafter: NSC) and the
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn (thereafter: DAAD)
conclude the following agreement:
give financial support to annually up to 30 Ph.D. degree cand-
idates in various academic disciplines for research visits to
German universities / research institutes, provided that a gr-
eat interest and demand and an early need for this programme
exists at Chinese universities and MOE (Ministry of Education)
in Taipei.
Such research visits are meant to partially meet the requirem-
ents for the Ph.D. degree to be awareded by the candidates' r-
espective home universities, with the option of German academ-
ic advisors being invited as external examiners. Regularly, t-
he candidates will hold relevant Master degrees and have alre-
ady started with their Ph.D. thesis research, so that they wi-
ll continue and concentrate on specific aspects while using G-
erman facilities and advisership.
The normal duration of the research visits will range from 6
to 18 months, like any preceding language training to be dete-
rmined individually.
2.DAAD shall
administer the programme on and from the German side through
placement, monitoring and other paid services. In doing so, D-
AAD shall closely collaborate with its member universities and
non-university research institutions in all disciplines invol-
3.More specifically, NSC shall
(1) bear overall responsibility and costs for the programme;
(2) nominate the candidates and concretely determine the educat-
ional objectives for each individual research visit;
(3) submit to DAAD complete application documents / dossiers for
each candidate at least 4 months in advance to any educatio-
nal programme;
(4) grant international air travel, scholarships, fees and allo-
wances at appropriate financial level to all trainees for t-
he entire period of their training in Germaany;
(5) secure the timely arrival of trainees in accordance with DA-
AD's proposals for German language training and subsequent
academic work;
(6) commit the trainees to follow DAAD's advice in all matters
of placement and training and suspend them from the program-
me in case of justified request from DAAD;
(7) give German external examiners under this programme all nec-
essary support and secure their adequate status, treatment
and remuneration;
(8) utilize DAAD's channels for the disbursement of scholarship/
allowances to the scholarship holders;
(9) endow DAAD with all funds required for programme implementa-
tion including service fees, in line with time schedule agr-
(10) coordinate the activities within the programme of any part-
icipating institutions and universities vis-a-vis DAAD and
ensure that DAAD be continuously and fully informed of all
programmerelated developments.
4.Likewise, DAAD shall
(1) render its organizational / administrative service for prog-
ramme management and act as implementing agency on the Germ-
an side, with the understanding that the entire cooperation
on and form that side be administered by DAAD in conjunction
with its member universities and other German institutions
to be involved;
(2) propose and settle arrangements for intensive German langua-
ge courses at universities or specialized institutes in Ger-
many, such courses to precede academic work;
(3) arrange for the trainees' placement at best suitable German
universities / research institutes, in accordance with indi-
vidual study / work plans and taking into account already e-
xisting contacts between sending and potential host institu-
(4) identify the trainees' main academic advisors at such host
institutions and consult with them on training measures;
(5) assist the trainees in immigration and admission procedures
and settling-in at their host institutions, in conjunction
with local Foreign Students Offices;
(6) maintain contact with the trainees and their academic advis-
ors, observe the training progress, report to NSC where dif-
ficulties may come to be known, and ensure that the advisors
' final statements reach NSC upon completion of research vi-
(7) facilitate visits of German external examiners under this p-
rogramme through assisting them in pre-departure arrangemen-
(8) take over the disbursement of scholarships / allowances to
the scholarship holders;
(8) take over the disbursement of scholarships / allowances to
the scholarship holders;
(9) transfer funds for programme-related expenditures to the tr-
aining institutions, provide NSC regularly with statements
of account and counter-balance / reimburse any unspent funds
without delay;
(10) coordinate the activities within the programme of any part-
icipating German institution vis-a-vis NSC and ensure that
NSC be continuously informed of all programme-related deve-
5.For its services in this specific cooperation programme, DAAD
charges NSC the following fees (calculated at non-profit level
, in line with DAAD's charter):
(1) trainees' placement (for language course and academic train-
ing): 1.200,- DM per trainee;
(2) programme monitoring (entire training period in Germany, in-
cl. language course:
600,- DM per trainee and year (corresponding deduction for
shorter periods).
6.Language preparation is required form all trainees so that th-
ey possess basic communication skills in the German language
prior to joining their host institutions.
Trainees should make use of any predeparture opportunities to
start learning German. Depending on the level of language pro-
ficiency obtained before departure, an additional intensive G-
erman. language course of at least 2 months duration at a uni-
versity or at a specialized institute in Germany will be requ-
DAAD is prepared to arrange for such courses (cf. 4/ 2), For
the year 1989, DAAD is also prepared to cover arising course
fees (not stipends). For the following years, DAAD will look
into possibilities of continuing such support.
7.Stipends, allowances, fees shall be fixed at adequate level.
Whilst DAAD rates may be considered as a guideline, NSC's re-
gulations might contain more favourable conditions. (It shou-
ld be noted that at German universities and research institu-
tes, no tuition fees are charged, As long as a trainee's res-
earch project fits into already existing facilities and/or o-
ngoing research activities at the host institute, no fees wi-
ll be charged either. In other cases, lab fees may be requir-
ed to cover project - related costs.
8.This agreement shall come into effect as soon as it has been
signed by both sides. It is valid for three years and will
be automatically renewed for a further year unless the contr-
act partner gives notice of the termination six months in ad-
Further details of the programme and any changes and amendmen-
ts shall be fixed by exchange of letters. Direct consultation
between DAAD and the NSC Representative Office in Europe (Fra-
nkfurt) shall be sought in all cases of mutual concern.
Signed in Bonn
Prof. Dr. Theodor
President of DAAD
Date 20-6-1989
Prof. Dr. Hen-Min Hsia
President of NSC
Date 20-6-1989
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)