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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 7, 2002; Entered into force on March 7, 2002.
Noting the present extent of collaboration in science and techn-
ology between scientists in Taiwan and the UK;

Desiring to promote an increased level of collaboration between
scientists of the two countries;

The National Science Council (hereafter referred to as NSC) and
The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (hereaft-
er referred to as EPSRC), have agreed, as follows:
1.The NSC and the EPSRC will maintain and develop co-operative
research activities in the fields of science and engineering.
2.The co-operative activity will be undertaken within the budge-
tary appropriations of both sides. EPSRC and NSC will each use
their own assessment and funding mechanisms for proposals for
collaborative activity.
3.Collaborative activities will be promoted in fields selected
.Engineering (Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Sy-
stems integration)
.Infrastructure and Environment (Sustainable technology & de-
velopment, Urban and rural environment, Inclusive and medic-
al engineering, Transport and, Energy)
.Innovative Manufacturing
.Information Technology and Computer Science
.Materials Science and Engineering
.Physics (excluding astronomy and particle physics)
4.Further areas may be added to this list at any time by mutual
a greement between the parties.
5.Responsibility for the promotion and co-ordination of collabo-
ration in individual areas of science will be delegated by the
two parties to the key contact points on both sides which are
to be communicated to the signatories of this Memorandum.
6.Nothing in this Memorandum will be construed as limiting coll-
aboration between scientists of the countries in areas not pr-
esently identified.
7.The two parties recognize that, as a first step, a practical
means of initiating collaboration between scientists of the t-
wo countries is provided by holding meetings of equal numbers
of active researchers from each side alternately in Taiwan and
the UK. Such meetings are know as N+N; the normal process of
financing such discussions will be that the host country pays
in-country expenses, the partner being responsible for intern-
ational travel costs.
8.The two parties undertake to encourage other forms of collabo-
ration, including individual visits by senior scientists and
joint research in areas or subjects genuinely of interest to
scientists of both sides based on the relationships built by
N+N meetings.
Overall responsibility for implementation and review of this Me-
morandum as under 9(i), (ii), and (iii) below will be vested in:

Dr. Joseph Chi-Hang Yang
International Programs Department
National Science Council
106, Sec. II, Ho-Ping E. Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C

Mrs Catherine Coates (Director
Council Policy and Communication)
North Star Avenue
Swindon SN2 1ET
United Kingdom

Appropriate points of contact for exchange of information and c-
oordination as under 9. (iv) below will be:

For the NSC: Mr. Lowell A.K Lee
Programs Director
International Programs Department
National Science Council
106, Sec. II, Ho-Ping E. Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C

For the EPSRC: Mr N H J Birch
Mead of International
Planning and Communication Direc-
North Star Avenue
Swindon, SN2 1ET
United Kingdom

9.NSC and EPSRC should play the following roles:
(i) to identify priority areas for cooperation, in addition to
those listed in paragraph (5), in consultation with each o-
ther, and taking into account both academic and financial
(ii) to establish the framework of cooperation for each select-
ed area (key institutions, key persons, forms of cooperat-
ion, financing etc).
(iii) to review on-going programmes and consult each other abo-
ut the continuation, initiation or termination of cooper-
ative programmes. This review and consultation will be c-
arried out biennially by the points of contact identified
in paragraph 8 above.
(iv) to maintain close exchange of information between each ot-
(V) to ensure that the cooperation will briog real benefits to
the development of science and engineering in both countri-
10.The parties hereby agree to review the operation of this Mem-
orandum within 2 years of the date of the signature and every
2 yeats thereafter. Such review would be initiated by a repo-
rt by each signatory on activities during the period and com-
pleted by a meeting between the parties.

Signed, this day of 7th, March in 2002 in duplicate in English

Dr.Ching-Jyh Shieh Professor John O'Reilly
Vice-Chairman Chief Executive

For the National Science Council of For the Engineering and
Taipei Physical Sciences
Research Council of the
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Nort-
hern Ireland
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)