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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Siened on July 29,1993; Entered into force on July 29, 1993.
1.This Memorandum is entered into between the ITC and IDIC, her-
einafter referred to as "The Parties" for the furtherence of
co-operation in investment promotion by both sides.
2.Both parties therefore have agreed that:
a.ITC and IDIC will each take the necessary steps to exchange
information on the investment environment and incentives and
that this information will be made available to potential i-
b.ITC and IDIC will work towards the maintenance and improvem-
ent of the investment climate in their respective economies.
c.ITC and IDIC will facilitate investment between their respe-
ctive territories as well as in other parts of Asia.
d.ITC and IDIC form a working group which will meet as and wh-
en required. Both parties will assign personal to meet alte-
rnately in Taipei and Hanoi to explore possibilities for ex-
pand co-operation in promoting two-way investment.
e.ITC and IDIC will not be held liable for any decision made
by a resident or company in either of their respective terr-
itories in favour of the facilities mentioned above in point
Signed in Hanoi, on the 29th of July, One thousand nine hundred
ninety three.

On behalf of ITC On behalf of IDIC
[Signed] [Signed]
Director General
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)