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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged at London on April 23,1930; Entered into force on April 23,1930; Expired on February 16,1931.
Ⅰ Note from Dr. S. K. Alfred Sze to Dr. Hamed Mahmoud
London April 23, 1930.
Mossieur le Charge d'Affaires,
Referring to the correspondence we have exchanged on the matter
of the conclusion of a provisional commercial arrangement betwe-
en China and Egypt, I have the honour to inform you that the Na-
tional Government of China agrees to apply the most-favourednat-
ion treatment to all the products of soil and industry of Egypt-
ian origin imported into China and destined either for consumpt-
ion, re-exportation, or transit. Provisionally, the said treatm-
ent shall be applied to the products which shall be imported in-
to China by the way of countries having no commercial arrangeme-
nts with China.
This treatment is granted on condition of complete reciprocity
and under reservation of the treatment granted to the products
of the Sudan or applied to the products of certain neighbouring
countries by virtue of regional conventions.
The present arrangement shall come into force as soon as you
be good enough to confirm to me that you have obtained the agre-
ement of Your Government. It can be terminated by either contra-
cting party by means of a previous notice of three months. At a-
ll events this provisional arrangement shall have no effect aft-
er February 16, 1931, the date indicated in the Egyptian Law No.
2 of the year of 1930 (concerning the Customs Tariff).
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of my high consideration.
(signed) S. K. Alfred Sze
Ⅱ Note from Dr. Mahmoud to Dr. S. K. Alfred Sze
London April 23, 1930.

Monsieur le Ministre,
Referring to the correspondence we have exchanged on the matter
of the conclusion of a provisional commercial arrangement betwe-
en China and Egypt, I have the honour to inform you that the Go-
vernment of Egypt agrees to apply the most-favoured-nation trea-
tment to all the products of soil and industry of Chinese origin
imported into Egypt and destined either for consumption, re-exp-
ortation, or transit. Provisionally, the said treatment shall be
applied to products which shall be imported into Egypt by the w-
ay of countries having no commercial arrangements with Egypt.
This treatment is granted on condition of complete reciprocity
and under reservation of the treatment granted to the products
of the Sudan or applied to the products of certain neighbouring
countries by virtue of regional conventions.
The present arrangement shall come into force as soon as you wi-
ll be good enough to confirm to me that you have obtained the a-
greement of your Government. It can be terminated by either con-
tracting party by means of a previous notice of three months. At
all events this provisional arrangement shall have no effect af-
ter February 16, 1931, the date indicated in the Egyptain Law No
. 2 of the year of 1930 (concerning the Customs Tariff).
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of my high consideration.
(signed) Dr. Hamed Mahmoud
Charge d'Affaires
China severed diplomatic relations with Egypt as a eonsequence
of the latter's recognition of the puppet Communist regime in P-
eiping on May 16, 1956.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)