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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 04, 2013 Entered into force on June 04, 2013
The competent authorities of the Anti-Money Laundering Division
(AMLD), Investigation Bureau, Ministry of Justice, Republic of
China (Taiwan) and the Ministry of Interior (MOI) in the kingdom
of Saudi Arabia represented by Saudi Arabia Financial
Investigation Unit (SAFIU), hereinafter referred to as "the
Authorities", prompted by their desire, in a spirit of
cooperation and mutual interest, to facilitate investigation and
prosecution of persons suspected of money laundering, financing
of terrorism and criminal activities related thereto, have
agreed of the following:

Article 1 – Purpose
The Authorities shall cooperate to assemble,
develop and analyze information in their possession
concerning financial transactions suspected of
being linked to money laundering or financing of
terrorism. To this end, the Authorities shall
exchange spontaneously or upon request any
information relating to relevant investigation,
persons, or entities. The request for information
must be accompanied by a statement of grounds
Article 2 – Use of Information
1. Information or documents exchanged by the
Authorities may not be disseminated to any third
Authority, nor be used for administrative,
prosecutorial or judicial purposes without the
prior permission of the Authority providing such
information. Information exchanged by the
Authorities under this Memorandum of
Understanding (hereinafter referred to as this
MOU) may be used in judicial procedures related
particularly to money laundering and financing
of terrorism originating from specific criminal
activities as stipulated in the national
legislations of both Authorities. The
Authorities shall undertake to keep the
predicate offenses in the national legislations
up to date, in case of any relevant amendments.
2. Neither Authority may use or disclose
information obtained for purposes other than
those provided for in this MOU, without the
prior permission of the Authority providing such
Article 3 – Confidentiality
Information received under this MOU shall be
confidential and subject to the same level of
protection awarded by the national legislations of
the receiving Authority to similar information of
national sources.
Article 4 – Procedures
1. The Authorities shall cooperate and consult each
other, in accordance with national legislations
of their respective countries, on the
arrangement of communication procedures for the
implementation of this MOU.
2. Communication shall be in English. Request for
information will be submitted in writing,
through Egmont Secure Web, fax or e-mail.
Article 5 – Refusals
1. Requests may be refused if assistance would be
contrary to the domestic legal system,
international agreements or national security.
The authorities shall be informed of the reason
for refusal.
2. The authorities are under no obligation to
provide assistance if judicial proceedings have
already been initiated with respect to the same
information subject of the request.
Article 6 – Effective Date, Amendments and Termination
1. This MOU shall enter into force upon the date of
signature by the Authorities.
2. This MOU may, by the consent of the Authorities,
be amended at any time, after taking applicable
procedures in both countries.
3. This MOU may be terminated at any time, and
termination shall become effective from receipt
by either Authority of written notification to
this effect from the other Authority. The terms
and conditions of this MOU dealing with the
confidentiality of information received prior to
the termination of this MOU will remain in force
after the termination of this MOU.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto, have signed this MOU.

Done in New Taipei City, Taiwan, on June 4th, 2013, in
duplicate, in the Chinese, Arabic and English languages, all
texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the
interpretation of this MOU, the English text shall prevail.


Fu-Lin Wang FAHAD A
Director General ALMAGHLOOTH
Investigation Bureau General Supervisor
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)