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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 31, 2012 Entered into force on January 31, 2012
The Anti-Money Laundering Division, Investigation Bureau,
Ministry of Justice, Republic of China and the Nigerian
Financial Intelligence Unit, NFIU, the Federal Republic of
Nigeria, hereinafter referred to as “ The Authorities ”,
desire, in a spirit of cooperation and mutual interest, to
facilitate the investigation, prosecution and exchange of
intelligence related to suspected cases of money laundering,
terrorist financing and related crimes and persons connected

To that end they have reached the following understanding:

1. The Authorities will cooperate to gather, develop and analyze
information concerning financial transactions suspected of
being related to money laundering, terrorist financing and
related crimes and in respect of persons connected thereto.
To that end, the Authorities will exchange spontaneously or
upon request any available information that may be relevant
to the investigation by the Authorities into financial
transactions related to money laundering, terrorist financing
and the persons or companies involved. Any request for
information will be justified by a brief statement of the
underlying facts.
2. The information or documents obtained from the respective
Authorities will not be disseminated to any third party, nor
be used for administrative, prosecutorial or judicial
purposes without prior consent of the disclosing Authority.
It is understood that information obtained in accordance with
this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter refer to as
MOU) can only be used in justice when related to money
laundering,terrorist financing and related crimes.
3. The Authorities will not permit the use or release of any
information or document obtained from the respective
Authorities for purposes other than those stated in this MOU,
without the prior consent of the disclosing Authority.
4. The information acquired in application of the present MOU is
confidential. It is subject to official secrecy and is
protected by at least the same confidentiality as provided by
the national legislation of the receiving Authority for
similar information from national sources.
5. The Authorities will jointly arrange, consistent with the
legislation of their respective countries, for acceptable
procedures of communication and will consult each kother with
the purpose of implementing this MOU.
6. Communication between the Authorities shall take place in the
English language.
7. The Authorities are under no obligation to give assistance if
judicial proceedings have already been initiated concerning
the same facts as the request is related to.
8. This MOU may be amended at any time by mutual consent.
9. This MOU will become effective upon the signature by the
10. This MOU is revocable at any time. The termination will
become effective as from the reception of the written
notification from the other Authority.

In witness where of, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective competent authorities, have signed this MOU.

Signed in Manila, the Philippines, on Jan 31 2012, in two
copies, in the English language. The English text being the
agreed authentic text, and each Authority taking the
responsibility for establishing translation in their own
language.In case of divergence, the English text will prevail.

For the Anti-Money For the Nigerian
Laundering Division, Financial Intelligence
Investigation Bureau, Unit, NFIU,
Ministry of Justice, the Federal Republic
Republic of China of Nigeria

Chih-Ping Chang Norman S. Wokoma
Director Director
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)