

列印時間:113/09/17 23:49


The Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (hereinaf-
ter referred to as Party A) and the Department of Health, Execu-
tive Yuan of the Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as
Party B),
Recognizing the friendly relations existing between the two co-
untries and their respective peoples,
Being desirous of further developing medical cooperation, and i-
mplementing the arrangements of the Memorandum signed on the ni-
nth of Jamad Awwal, 1399 H corresponding to the twenty eighth
of November, 1979,
Reviewing the number of doctors so far being recruited to work
in both the Hufuf General Hospital and the Jeddah General Hospi-
Recognizing the range of salaries of-fered to doctors involved
in the medical program and in the light of the standing salarie-
s and opportunities of service in the Republic of China,
Aiming at encouraging more doctors in general and professors, a-
ssociate and assistant professors in particular to work in the
program, and on the basis of discussions held during the visit
of Dr. T.C. Hsu, Director-General of Department of Health of the
Republic of China, and accompanying delegation, to Saudi Arabia
(March 30 through April 3, 1982); and to further enhance the pr-
ogram of medical cooperation:
Both parties agreed to the following:
1 Taking urgent appropriate measures to encourage more needed s-
pecialists to join the Medical Cooperation Program to meet the
requirements of Jeddah and Hufuf General Hospitals.
2 To increase the original par-scale of doctors' salaries by 70%
instead of the 50% which had been agreed to and applied.
3 Professors, associate and assistant professors who work for s-
ix months in any of the said hospitals may be granted economy
class round-trip tickets for their wives from Taipei to Saudi
4 This addendum is considered valid as from the date a letter of
exchange is signed and upon having the formal approval of Sau-
di Appropriate Authorities.
Signed at Jeddah on April 3, 1982.

Department of Health,
Executive Yuan,
Republic of China.
Dr.Hussein A.Gezairy,
Minister of Health,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.