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Title: The Organization Act of The Data Management Processing Center of The Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics of The Executive Yuan CH
Abolished Date: 2021-12-15
Category: Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan(行政院主計總處)
Article 1
This act is enacted according to The Article 19 of The Organization Act of The directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (hereinafter referred to as "DGBAS") of The Executive Yuan.
Article 2
The Data Management Processing Center (hereinafter referred as "The Center") of DGBAS of The Executive Yuan shall be in charge of the following matters:
1. Review and ratification of the application for the computer installations from government organizations,
2. Evaluation for the efficiency of the computer operations of government organizations,
3. Assistance and coordination of sharing the computer equipment of government organizations,
4. Training to the computer personnel of government organizations,
5. Design, research and development of common software,
6. Processing of the annul budget, accounting and statistics data,
7. Management and operations of the computers and data entry equipment,
8. Establishment and upgrade of the computer systems and system software,
9. Development and ruling of the operation procedures,
10. Management of various data files, printed reports and original documents,
11. Other matters related to electronic data processing.
Article 3
The Center shall set four divisions in charge of the matters provided in the previous article separately.
Article 4
The Center shall set a secretariat in charge of documentation, seal, cashier, affairs and other matters not in charge of other divisions and offers.
Article 5
The Center shall set one director-general, whose position shall be the 10th to 13th grade, who shall be in charge of all businesses of The Center and who shall command and monitor subordinate personnel. The Center shall set one deputy director-general, whose position shall be the 10th to 12th grade, to assist the director-general to deal with the business of The Center.
Article 6
The Center shall set one director secretary, four division chiefs, two or three senior system analysts whose positions shall all be the 9th to 11th grade; one or two secretaries, seven to nine system analysts whose positions shall all be the 6th to 9th grade; six to eight system coordinators, eighteen to thirty-two system designers whose positions shall all be the 5th to 8th grade; four to six assist system designers, eight to twelve assist system coordinators, seven to eleven junior systems designers, six to eight junior system coordinators whose positions shall all be the 3rd to 5th grade; three to five officers whose positions shall all be the 3rd to 5th grade but one of them may be the 6th or 7th grade; six to eight associate clerks whose positions shall be the 1st to 3rd grade.
Article 7
The Center shall set a personnel office, and set one chief personnel officer and one chief civil service ethics officer whose positions shall all be the 6th to 9th grade, in charge of personnel matters and personnel management according to law.
The Center shall set an accounting office and set one chief accounting officer, whose position shall be the 6th to 9th grade, in charge of annul budget, accounting and statistics matters.
Article 8
The officers needed by the two offices provided in the above two paragraphs shall be assigned from the officers provided by this act.
The position systems of the personnel provided by Articles 5 to 7, shall be according to the official position classification and the position systems manual. And the personnel shall be chosen from computer, electric power engineering, telecommunications engineering, statistics, business management, commerce administration, industry engineering, general administration management, personnel matter administration, accounting, documentation, affair management and other related position systems.
Article 9
The Center may hire several datum clerks and read proof clerks if business necessary.
Article 10
The Center may retain domestic or foreign computer experts as advisors if business necessary.
Article 11
The Center may retain three to five researchers by contract in order to deal with the need of technical research development and business.
Article 12
The detail regulations of The Center shall be drafted and enacted by The Center, and ratified by the DGBAS of The Executive Yuan.
Article 13
This act becomes effective on and from the promulgation date.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)