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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 1
The Regulations are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 5, Article 16 of the New Town Development Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”).
Article 2
An investment plan referred to in this Regulation means the investment plan submitted by the investor under Paragraph 1, Article 16 of the Act.
Article 3
An investment plan shall include the following contents:
1.Description of the land to be invested.
2.Land use zoning and use control.
3.Outline of construction contents.
4.Operating plan.
5.Investment schedule.
6.Financial plan.
7.Purchase price payment plan after winning the bid.
8.Other necessary contents.
The above-mentioned investment schedule in Subparagraph 5 includes the time of completing phase design, time of commencement, construction time schedule, and time of completion etc.
Where installment is selected in the purchase price payment plan mentioned in Subparagraph 7 of the first paragraph, the plan shall include the phases of installment, time and percentage of each payment as listed in the announcement of the authority.
Investors who attended tendering lease of lands can skip the contents described in Subparagraph 7 of the first paragraph.
Article 4
The investor shall stamp the official seal and perforated rider bill on the investment plan, and stamp seal where alteration is made.
Article 5
After an investment plan is sent to the authority, the investor may not request modification, correction, replacement, or cancellation, unless after preliminary examination the authority notifies the investor to make supplement within a time limit.
Article 6
The investment schedule and construction contents in the investment plan shall meet the time limit of new town development and construction and the minimum degree of construction and utilization as announced by the authority.
Unless otherwise regulated and called upon in the Notice of Tending Lands by the authorities concerned according to the requirement of actual construction usage and the development of the new town lands, the minimum degree of construction and utilization mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to any of the following conditions:
1.The value of building ameliorants invested and constructed is not less than 20% of the value of the invested land assessed under Paragraph 4, Article 8 of the act.
2.The total floor area of constructional improvements of the invested construction shall be no less than one-half of the statutory floor area of the invested lands.
Where the investor invests and develops dividedly in stages, the value of the building ameliorants invested and constructed in the first stage may not be less than 10% of the land value assessed under Paragraph 4, Article 8 of the Act, or the total volume of floor area of building ameliorants may not be less than 1/3 of floor area of the statutory volume of the invested land.
Article 7
When disposing investment plans, the authority shall unseal the bidding documents and execute preliminary examination of the documents and materials submitted by the investor, and then on the spot stamp the official seal on the bid envelop for keeping.
Where the documents and materials submitted by an investor are unqualified in the preliminary examination, the authority shall notify the investor to make supplement within a time limit; where supplement is not made within the time limit or the supplemented documents and materials are still unqualified, the investment plan will be rejected.
The above-mentioned supplement doesn't include bid envelope.
Article 8
For the investment plans qualified in the preliminary as prescribed in the preceding Article, the authority shall carry out reexamination on the following matters:
1.The objectives and contents of construction shall meet the new town development plan.
2.The operating plan shall meet the new town development schedule.
3.The investment schedule and construction contents of each stage shall meet the time limit for new town development and construction as well as the minimum degree of construction and utilization.
4.The return on investment, analysis of investment benefits, and risk evaluation and countermeasures as described in the financial plan.
5.Fund sources and dispatch plan of investment.
6.Other necessary matters.
The specific items and standards of examination as mentioned above shall be determined by the authority depending on the individual characteristics of each investment case.
Article 9
When handling reexamination as mentioned in the preceding Article, the authority may, according to the individual characteristics of each investment case, invite the regulating departments of related operations, scholars, experts, and righteous gentlemen in the society to hold examination meetings.
The examination meeting mentioned in the preceding Paragraph shall consist of 7 to 11 members who shall be employed by the competent authority, and the number of scholars, experts and righteous gentlemen in the society should be no less than one-half of total members. The presider of the meeting shall be assigned by the authority.
Article 10
During an examination meeting, the authority shall examine the investment plans one by one, and shall separately notify the investors or their authorized representatives to attend the meeting to give explanation and answer questions. Where an investor doesn't attend the examination meeting, it will not affect the proceeding of the meeting.
Article 11
The authority shall use express delivery to notify the investors about the examination results of the investment plans 7 days before bid opening.
The above-mentioned examination results are only available for the investment plans participating in the corresponding tendering case.
Article 12
The Regulations shall be implemented on the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)