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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/01 08:13

Article Search Result

Title: Tax Collection Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Article 46-1
The MOF or its authorized agencies may impose a fine from three thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$3,000) to three hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$300,000) if an agency, institution, organization, enterprise, or individual violates paragraph 3 of Article 5-1, and avoids, hinders, or refuses investigation or inquiry by the MOF or its authorized agencies, or fails to submit relevant information and documents required, and may notify them to comply within a given time limit; if compliance is not met within the given time limit, successive fines can be imposed in each case.
One who does not execute due diligence or other reviewing processes on financial accounts prescribed in the second half of Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 3, Article 5-1, shall be imposed with a fine from two hundred thousand New Taiwan Dollars (NT$200,000) to ten million New Taiwan Dollars (NT$10,000,000) by the MOF or its authorized agencies.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)