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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article 31
Police personnel who have any of the following circumstances shall be dismissed from post by authorities which approve their appointment or their authorized agencies or schools:
1. Any of the conditions prescribed in Subparagraph 1, 2, and 7 of Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Civil Service Employment Act.
2. Having been convicted of or wanted for offenses against the internal security or treasons after the termination of Period of Mobilization for the Suppression of Communist Rebellion.
3. Having been convicted of or wanted for corruption or robbery.
4. Having committed crimes other than those specified in the preceding two subparagraphs and having been given a sentence of imprisonment or above without being granted probation; or being commuted to a fine or community service, or with the sentence being commuted to community service but the circumstances which make it necessary to execute the original sentence in accordance with the Paragraph 6 of Article 41 of the Criminal Code arise.
5. Having been declared deprivation of civil rights according to a criminal conviction.
6. Having one of the conditions that are punishable by two major reprimands in accordance with the Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act.
7. Having been wanted for crimes other than those specified in Subparagraph 2 and 3 of this Article for over six months and having not been removed from the wanted list yet.
8. Having been proved that they have intimidated or hurt their supervisors or colleagues with weapons and they thus have seriously damaged police reputation.
9. Having been substantially proved that they have used their positions to commit fraud or extortion and they thus have seriously damaged police reputation.
10. Having been substantially proved that they have used their positions to cover up theft, stolen goods, hoodlums, sex trade, gambling and they thus have seriously damaged police reputation.
11. Having accumulated in the same APE year, regular conduct assessment has recorded at a cumulative of two major demerits after their merits have been offset.
12. Having other circumstances that make them subject to dismissal from their posts or deprivation of their rights to work for the government in accordance with relevant laws.
The order of dismissal from post prescribed in the preceding paragraph’s Subparagraph 6 to 11 shall be enforced after the order is finalized. Before it is finalized, suspension from post shall be imposed first.
Police personnel who are subject to dismissal from post shall also be stripped of their ranks.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)