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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:41

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Title: Seafarer's Service Regulations CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Article 10
All seafarers shall comply with the following seafarer service codes:
1. Meticulously adhere to government decrees and behave in a manner that shall not endanger national interests or security.
2. Uphold marine safety and behave in a manner that shall not endanger human life or cargo.
3. Confirm the vessel’s proper operation and behave in a manner that shall not destroy equipment or damage fixtures.
4. Strictly obey laws and regulations with no carriage of private cargo or illegal smuggling.
5. Obey superior’s commands with no insubordination or violence.
6. Efficiently perform individual responsibilities and do not neglect responsibilities or arbitrarily swap responsibilities.
7. Comply with the vessel’s rules and do not disembark without authorization or be absent beyond permitted leave.
8. Accept interrogation summons without concealing or misrepresenting facts in reports.
9. Protect seafarer documents without changing, misstating, or losing them.
10. Promote a noble character by not fighting, gambling or abusing alcohol or drugs.
11. Honorably realize the contract without insolent requests or dishonest breaches.
12. Follow the law and perform one’s responsibilities without default or unauthorized undertakings.
Article 91
A seafarer that commits any one of the following offenses, as confirmed by the Maritime Administration, shall be punished with a demotion or withdrawal of Seafarer Service Book for a time period between three months and two years:
1. Severe insubordination toward a superior’s order or command.
2. Absent without leave, absent beyond the permitted leave, or absence without leave for the first time in a foreign country.
3. Severe dereliction of duty.
4. Severe non-compliance with an employer’s instructions within the scope of business monitoring.
5. Severe non-compliance with provisions of the employment contract.
6. Improper operation or use of the ship’s machinery, equipment, or facilities that results in casualties.
7. Instigates seafarers aboard the same ship to organize collective strikes or slowdowns that affect navigation safety.
8. Causes trouble to or wounds people on board.
9. Purposefully destroys relevant seafarer documents to destroy evidence, forges documents’ information, or possesses forged seafarer certificates.
10. Organizing a crowd for the purposes of gambling, which negatively affects work and disrupts the ship’s order.
11. Violates navigational safety regulations, resulting in severe losses.
12. Severely improper management of the ship’s machinery, equipment, or appliances or dereliction of duty that results in a shipwreck.
13. Coercing or forcing the master or other seafarers to not perform their duties according to law.
14. A master who changes the scheduled voyage for a reason other than incident, sea rescue, or force majeure.
15. A master that permits carrying passengers or cargo in excess and continues sailing without objection.
16. Any conduct that violates government ordinances or regulations related to navigation.
17. Inflicts violence on a seafarer on board, threatening personal safety.
18. Any misconduct that purposely destroys the ship or its equipment or accessories.
19. Severe circumstances of default or an unauthorized undertaking pursuant to law or duty.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)