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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations CH
Category: Environmental Protection Administration(行政院環境保護署)
Chapter 9 Runoff Wastewater Management Measures
Article 31
With the exception of runoff wastewater, all effluent produced by enterprises shall be collected in the working environment by means of ditches, pipelines or containers, and may not be collected together with rainwater.
Those established enterprises that are unable to comply with the foregoing paragraph due to construction or technological difficulties may collect effluent together with rainwater after submitting proof and obtaining the permission of the competent authority.
Article 32
Enterprises shall adopt runoff wastewater pollution reduction management measures, and shall collect and treat runoff wastewater produced in the working environment during initial rainfall.
The central competent authority shall issue an official announcement concerning the types of enterprises in the foregoing paragraph, the volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that shall be collected and treated, and runoff wastewater pollution reduction management measures.
If the amount of rainfall is greater than the officially announced volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that is required to be collected and treated in the foregoing paragraph, that portion exceeding the volume of runoff wastewater from initial rainfall that is required be collected and treated may be released by bypass discharge, and shall not be subject to the control limits of the effluent standards.
Article 33
Those enterprises that are not designated and officially announced enterprises in Paragraph 2 of the foregoing article shall adopt necessary measures to reduce the volume of filterable substances and eroded silt in runoff wastewater. Structures such as dikes, ditches or walls shall be installed around areas where goods and materials are stored or on erosion-prone ground in the working environment where there is no vegetation or pavement. However, those working environments for which no runoff enters from outside shall not be subject to this restriction.
The central competent authority may separately issue an official announcement concerning necessary runoff wastewater management measures to be adopted by enterprises in the foregoing paragraph.
Those enterprises that adopt necessary measures in accordance with Paragraph 1 and 2 may employ bypass discharge, and shall not be subject to the control limits of the effluent standards.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)