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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations CH
Category: Environmental Protection Administration(行政院環境保護署)
Chapter 5 Commissioned Treatment
Article 19
Those enterprises that commission another party to treat effluent (herein referred to as "commissioning enterprises") shall commission those enterprises that have obtained relevant permits or permit documents pursuant to this Act.
The actual daily amount of effluent treated by those enterprises commissioned to treat effluent (herein referred to as "commissioned enterprises") shall not exceed the approved maximum daily amount stated on the permit or permit document.
Article 20
Those enterprises that commission the treatment of effluent shall draw up and sign contracts with the commissioned enterprises; a photocopy of a contract shall be submitted to the special municipality, county or city competent authorities of the locations of the two concerned parties within 30 days after the day after the date of contract signing. Likewise in the case of changes to contract content or termination of contract. However, effluent produced as a consequence of responding to a natural disaster or accident shall not be subject to this restriction.
The contract in the foregoing paragraph shall explicitly state the following items.
1.Source of effluent to be treated under commission, volume to be treated, and water quality.
2.Schematic diagram of site or location of effluent storage within plant area before commissioned treatment, frequency of effluent transport, name of transporter, transport method, delivery location, and preventive safety measures to be adopted during transport.
3.The effluent treatment processes, name and treatment volume of each treatment unit of the commissioned enterprise.
4.Number and expiration date of permit or permit document obtained by commissioned enterprise pursuant to this Act.
5.Other content designated by the competent authority 5.
Those enterprises designated and officially announced by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 13, Paragraph 2 of this Act shall obtain the review and approval of an agency commissioned by the competent authority or central competent authority in accordance with industrial water pollution control measure plan application and review regulations before commissioning the treatment of effluent.
Article 21
Those that consign enterprises that transport effluent by means of tank truck shall fill out three-leaf commissioning records with continuous serial numbers. The commissioning enterprise shall keep the first leaf when the transporter signs to accept a shipment. The transporter shall keep the second leaf when the effluent is transferred to the commissioned enterprise and the latter signs to accept the shipment. The commissioning enterprise shall keep the third.
Commissioning records in the foregoing paragraph shall explicitly state the commissioned effluent volume, name of the commissioning enterprise, name of the transporter, transport method, and delivery location. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 22
Commissioned enterprises shall immediately record, by day or by batch, delivery time, storage pond (tank) number, effluent volume, and name of commissioning enterprise in its receipt record book with pre-printed serial numbers when receiving effluent. Records shall be preserved for three years for audit by the competent authority.
Article 23
Commissioned enterprises shall treat effluent within a 24-hour period after acceptance. However, those that have obtained storage permit documents shall not be subject to this restriction.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)