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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/19 11:41

Chapter Law Content

Title: Industrial Water Pollution Control Measure Management Regulations CH
Category: Environmental Protection Administration(行政院環境保護署)
Chapter 3 Diversion to a Sewer System
Article 13
An enterprise shall obtain joint use verification from the sewer competent authority or special-purpose sewer system management organization in those circumstances in which industrial effluent is diverted into the sewage system of a completed sewage treatment plant.
The sewer competent authority or special-purpose sewer system management organization shall also notify the local competent authority when notifying an enterprise of refusal to allow the diversion of effluent.
Article 14
Pipes or ditches shall convey effluent when enterprises jointly establish effluent pre-treatment facilities to treat effluent. However, said facilities shall not be subject to this restriction after having obtained the approval of the competent authority.
Article 15
Those enterprises within sewage system areas discharging effluent on their own shall obtain the consent of the sewer competent authority and special-purpose sewer system management organization, and shall also obtain a discharge permit in accordance with laws and regulations, before performing discharges.
Effluent produced by enterprises in the foregoing paragraph may not be discharged into the rainwater sewers of drainage area at issue. However, those that obtain the permission of the sewer competent authority, special-purpose sewer system management organization, and competent authority shall not be subject to this restriction.
Article 16
Those that divert industrial wastewater or sewage into sewage systems and that have been notified by the sewer competent authority pursuant to the Sewer Act to suspend use due to severe circumstances shall promptly adopt response measures and may not discharge wastewater or sewage.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)