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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Optometric Personnel Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter 3 Opening Practice
Article 15
An application for the establishment of an optometric lab shall be submitted by optometric personnel to the local municipal or county (city) competent authority for approval and registration, and a practice license shall be obtained first before the establishment of said lab.
Only opticians who have practiced in the institutions specified in Article 9 for more than two years are eligible to apply for the establishment of an optometric lab as mentioned in the previous paragraph; only optical technicians who have practiced in the institutions specified in Article 9 for more than five years are eligible to apply for the establishment of an optometric lab as mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Only certified optometric personnel who have applied for the registration of a practice with the local municipal or county (city) competent authority would count as the experienced personnel as mentioned in the previous paragraph. However, for those who have been practicing before the implementation of this Act, the actual years of service may be included in the calculation of experience.
The adoption and change of an optometric lab’s name are only permitted with the approval of the local municipal or county (city) competent authority.
Non-optometric institutions shall not use the name of “optometric lab” or similar names.
The adoption and change of an optometric lab’s name, application criteria, procedures, and standards of establishment shall be determined by the central competent authority.
The provisions in previous paragraphs shall apply to institutions that are approved by the central competent authority pursuant to Article 9 and with a unit or department of optometry.
Article 16
The Applicant for an optometric lab shall be the principal optometric personnel member, and be responsible for the supervision of the institution’s business.
Article 17
When the principal optometric personnel of an optometric lab fail to perform their duties for a specific reason, a personnel member with the qualifications specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 15 shall be designated as the representative. If the acting period exceeds 45 days, the representative shall report to the original agency that issued the practice license for future reference.
The acting period as mentioned above shall not exceed one year.
Article 18
When the business of an optometric lab is suspended or terminated, a report shall be made to the original agency that issued the practice license within 30 days from occurrence of the fact for future reference.
The duration of the suspension in the previous paragraph shall be limited to one year; in cases of suspension over one year, termination of the business shall be registered.
Any changes in the registered particulars of an optometric lab shall be reported to the original agency that issued the practice license within 30 days from occurrence of the fact for approval of the alteration of registration.
Provisions concerning the establishment of an optometric lab shall apply to the relocation or resumption of the business of an optometric lab.
Article 19
Optometric labs shall display their practice licenses and the fees and charges in a visible place.
Article 20
Business records of an optometric lab, as well as the notes or prescriptions issued by physicians shall be kept properly for at least three years.
Article 21
The optometric examination fees charged by an optometric lab shall be reviewed and approved by the municipal or county (city) competent authority.
A receipt listing details of the service items charged and the amounts shall be issued for fees charged by an optometric lab.
Optometric labs shall not overcharge or create fee items without authorization.
Article 22
The content of an optometric lab’s advertisements shall be limited to the following:
1. Name of the optometric lab, practice license number, address, telephone number, and transportation directions.
2. Names and certificate numbers of the optometric personnel.
3. Other matters that are permitted by the central competent authority to be published or publicized.
Non-optometric institutions shall not make optometric service advertisements.
Article 23
Optometric labs shall not solicit businesses in illegitimate ways.
Optometric personnel and other staff members of an optometric lab shall not obtain improper benefits by means of performing their duties.
Article 24
Optometric personnel and the staff of a practicing institution shall not disclose confidential information about others that they come to know or possess because of their duties.
Article 25
Optometric labs shall submit reports as stipulated by laws and regulations or as notified by the competent authority; they shall also comply with investigations and collection of information conducted on them by the competent authority regarding their staff, equipment, sanitation, safety, charging of fees, and operations, etc.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)