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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Administrative Regulations on Amateur Radios CH
Category: National Communications Commission(國家通訊傳播委員會)
Chapter VII The Management of Amateur Operator
Article 39
The amateur operators shall operate the amateur stations according to the attached table: List of Allocated Frequency Bands, Transmission power and Transmission Methods for Amateur Radio Stations.
In the case that the transmission method mentioned in the previous paragraph is data communications, the competent authority may request the operator to provide the data communications codec used for monitoring when deemed necessary.
When operating the frequency bands for secondary service of amateur radio while operating an amateur station, the amateur operators shall:
1. Not generate harmful interference to the primary service station assigned;
2. Tolerate the harmful interference generated by legal communications.
Article 40
For the purpose of promotional or educational activities of the amateur radio service, amateur radio groups or Class 1 or Class 2 amateur operators may apply to the competent authority for approval to provide amateur stations or equipment at the event venues for the operations by non-amateur persons under their supervision and guidance.
The operations mentioned in the previous paragraph shall not violate the applicable radio regulations.
Article 41
For a non-domestic amateur group or operator to operate an amateur station in the territories of Republic of China for a short period of time, the amateur operator that provides the amateur station shall prepare and submit the following documents to apply to the competent authority for approval and assignment of temporary station call sign through a national amateur radio group 10 days prior to the day that the actual operation takes place:
1. Application form for the non-domestic person to operate the amateur station for a short period of time and the assignment of call sign.
2. Photocopy of the valid passport(s) or Alien Residence Certificate(s) of the non-domestic amateur radio group or operator or other document(s) of proof.
3. Photocopy of the amateur station license; however, this is exempted for temporary stations.
The approved period of operation mentioned in the previous paragraph shall not exceed 6 months. Only one approval can be permitted for a single entry. However, for the amateur radio groups or operators from a country that has signed a treaty, pact or agreement or provided reciprocal measures mutually with Republic of China, the competent authority may provide multiple approvals for the application according to the contents of the signed document.
The competent authority shall be informed when the applicant submits the application mentioned in Paragraph 1.
The amateur station mentioned in Paragraph 1 refers to the existing amateur station operated by a domestic amateur operator or his temporary station. The domestic amateur operator that provides the amateur station shall be present at the site of operation and maintain a record.
The following shall be stated in the application form for the non-domestic person to operate the amateur station for a short period of time and the assignment of call sign:
1. Name and nationality of the non-domestic applicant, passport number, expiration date of the passport, date of entry, the original station call sign and operator’s class.
2. The temporary station call sign, operating frequency, transmission power, transmission method, period and location of operation.
3. Name of the amateur station owner, license number of the amateur operator, station call sign, operator’s class, contact phone number and address of residence.
Article 42
Any of the following acts shall be prohibited from operating amateur station by the amateur operator:
1. The use of unassigned station call sign.
2. Engaging in illegal communications or transmitting illegal messages.
3. Communications involving the transmission of public telecommunications business or in which the operator has a pecuniary interest.
4. Communications involving transmission of untruthful signals or messages.
5. Engaging in any form of broadcasting or any activity related to gathering of news.
6. Retransmission of signals from non-amateur station or acting as a repeater station for radio stations other than amateur stations.
7. Communications utilizing cipher or cryptogram not approved by the competent authority.
8. Communications causing interference to other radio signals.
9. Broadcasting of signals involving music, whistling, obscene or indecent language or images, or quarreling messages.
10. Leasing of a radio station to others.
11. Transmission of messages for a third party to any radio stations, unless the stations within the jurisdiction of a foreign government whose administration has made reciprocal arrangements with the Republic of China to allow such third party communications.
12. Posting of messages unrelated to radio communications on the amateur radio electronic bulletin.
13. Intentionally improper occupation of specified amateur radio frequencies without the prior approval of the competent authority.
14. Transmission of signals or message via an amateur station on a remotely controlled drone.
15. Other radio interferences specifically prohibited by the competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)