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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Administrative Regulations on Amateur Radios CH
Category: National Communications Commission(國家通訊傳播委員會)
Chapter V Amateur Station Operation
Article 26
For the addition or change of external RF power amplifier or its kit for an amateur station, the owner shall submit an application to the competent authority. The station shall not be operated until the application is approved and the station license is renewed. The removal of external RF power amplifier or its kit from an amateur station shall adhere to the Administrative Regulations on the Controlled Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices and the owner shall apply to the competent authority for a renewable of station license.
The external RF power amplifier or its kit mentioned in the previous paragraph shall comply with the Technical Specifications for Amateur Radio Apparatus.
Article 27
The call sign of an amateur station shall be assigned by the competent authority on the issuance of the amateur station license. However, the call sign may be assigned directly by the competent authority when the application is made for establishing a temporary station.
No amateur operator shall be allowed to request the assignment of a certain call sign. However, the competent authority may assign the call sign as applied for when the call signs of the special amateur station and temporary station meet the requirement of Article 28 and this does not cause duplicate assignments.
When having obtained the qualification for a higher class, the amateur operator may apply to the competent authority for changing the call sign for the originally established amateur station.
Once the call sign of the aforementioned amateur station has been reassigned, the old call sign shall be returned and shall no longer be used.
Article 28
The combination of amateur station call signs shall comply with the followings:
1. The alphabet letter ‘B’ shall be used as the first character.
2. The second character shall be selected from the alphabets letters M, N, O, P, Q, U, V, W and X.
3. The third character shall be a numeral representing the municipal, country or city where the amateur station is located, or a temporary station. The selection shall be as follows:
(1) 0: Temporary station.
(2) 1: Keelung, Yilan.
(3) 2: Taipei, New Taipei.
(4) 3: Taoyuan, Hsinchu.
(5) 4: Miaoli, Taichung.
(6) 5: Changhua, Nantou, Yunlin.
(7) 6: Chiayi, Tainan.
(8) 7: Kaohsiung.
(9) 8: Pingtung, Taitung, Hualien.
(10) 9: Any other areas outside the island of Taiwan.
4. The fourth through sixth characters consist of a set of 3 or fewer alphabet letters grouped based on the number of alphabet letters in the set as follows:
(1) One-character set: indicates a special amateur station; or a repeater station if the second character of the call sign is X.
(2) Two-character set: indicates a Class 1 amateur station.
(3) Three-character set: indicates a Class 2 amateur station if the second character of the call sign is X, and Class 3 amateur if the second character of the call sign is any other alphabet letter.
The combination of temporary station call signs is free from the limits specified in Subparagraph 4 of the previous paragraph. In the case that a temporary station is established for a memorial purpose, the combination of its call sign may also be free from the limits specified in Subparagraph 3 of the previous paragraph on condition that numerals shall be used for the third and fourth characters.
In the case that a non-domestic amateur radio group or a person is approved by the competent authority to operate an amateur station for a short period of time within the territories of REPUBLIC OF CHINA, back slash shall be used as the third character of the temporary station call sign.
A special amateur station, when approved by the competent authority, may use the existing call sign that belongs to the station owner, or use the call sign combinations for temporary stations mentioned in the three previous paragraphs to assemble its call sign.
Article 29
The amateur operator shall transmit his assigned call sign on the transmitting channel of the station at the beginning of each communication, at the end of each communication, and at least every 10 minutes during communications.
Article 30
The rules for amateur station's identification and call sign are provided as follows:
1. For voice communications, the language of English or the identifiers provided in the International Radio Regulation in English shall be used.
2. For data transmission and spread spectrum communications, the code specified in Article 31 of these Regulations shall be used.
3. The call sign shall be clearly shown in English on picture(s) in image transmission.
4. When an amateur operator operates a station whose class is equal to or exceeds that of the operator, the call sign of the operating station may be used.
5. When an amateur operator operates a station whose class is below that of the operator, the call sign assigned to the control operator's station shall be added after the call sign of the station where the operator is operating with the back slash mark between the two call signs so as to identify.
Article 31
One of the following required data code operation modes shall be used when an amateur operator transmits radio teletype or data via an amateur station:
1. The No. 2 5-unit RTTY codes defined in International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee recommendation CCITT F.1, Division C (i.e. the Baudot Codes);
2. The 7-unit codes specified in International Radio Consultative Committee recommendation CCIR 476-2(1978), 476-3 (1982), 476-4(1986) or 625(1986) (i.e. the AMTOR Codes);
3. The expanded 7-unit codes provided in No. 5 international alphabets defined in International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee recommendation CCITT T.50, or X3.4-1977 defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or ISO 646(1983) by International Standardization Organization and CCITT recommendation T.61 (Malaga-Torremolinos, 1984) (i.e. the ASCII codes);
4. J2D type data communications.
Amateur operator shall submit a memo to the competent authority for the use of a data code operation mode other than any of those specified in the previous paragraph for radio teletype or data transmission.
Amateur operators shall comply with the requirements in the applicable administrative regulations for telecommunications when operating an amateur station. The competent authority may require the amateur operator to take the following measures when necessary:
1. Cease using any data code operation mode other than those specified in the previous paragraph for radio teletype or data transmission;
2. Prevent transmitting data codes of any expandable command;
3. Maintain the conversion information or source code records for all data transmissions and communications.
Article 32
The amateur operator is responsible for management of all his transmitting and receiving equipment. Operation shall be conducted in accordance with the following:
1. The frequency and power that meet the class of the amateur operator and the modulation that occupies the least bandwidth shall be selected in a harmonic, shared and well-coordinated manner.
2. Emergency communications shall be given the highest priority. However, this does not apply to communication tests performed for disaster rescue network on amateur radio.
3. No intentional or malicious interference with radio communications or signals is allowed.
4. Experimental signals of short period are transmitted via an amateur station on a class-compliant frequency for the purpose of experiment.
5. To deal with interference between amateur stations, the amateur operators and frequency coordinators of the amateur stations involved shall cooperate to eliminate the interference.
For special amateur stations, the communication records shall be kept and maintained from the day that the notification of the competent authority has been received, and provided as requested by the competent authority. The establisher of the special amateur station shall not stop such operations unless approved or notified by the competent authority to do so.
Article 33
For the spread spectrum communication experiment conducted between fixed locations, one of the amateur operators conducting the experiment shall be assigned to apply to the competent authority for approval prior to the experiment being conducted. The spread spectrum codec used for the experiment shall be provided to the competent authority for monitoring.
The application and conducting of the spread spectrum communication experiment mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be limited only to Class 1 or 2 amateur operators. The participants and the amateur stations used shall be stated in the application submitted.
The contents of the communication shall be transmitted in plain language for the spread spectrum communication experiment. The spread spectrum communication experiment shall not interfere with legal communications and shall tolerate the possible interference of legal communications. The competent authority may ask the conductor of the spread spectrum communication experiment to take the following measures when necessary:
1. Cease spread spectrum communications;
2. Restrict the strength of the spread spectrum transmission signals to a specified level.
The output power of the transmitter used for the spread spectrum communication experiment shall not be greater than 100 watts, and the working frequency shall be 430 MHz or higher.
Records shall be made for the spread spectrum communication experiment and maintained for a year.
The aforementioned records shall contain the following contents as a minimum:
1. Technical description of the transmission signals;
2. Required parameters related to the transmission signals, including operating frequency or frequencies, chip rate if involved, code rate, spreading function, transmission protocols, the way to achieve synchronization and method of modulation;
3. Type of message transmitted: general description of voice, text, memory dump, fax and television;
4. The method of station identification and the frequency or frequencies used;
5. Start and end dates of every transmission signal.
To demodulate raw signals of voice, text or video, the competent authority may request the conductor of the spread spectrum communication experiment to record and provide the transmission signals of spread spectrum communications when deemed necessary, and provide the records mentioned in Paragraph 6.
Article 34
The occupied bandwidth of an amateur station shall not exceed 10 kHz for working frequencies lower than 29 MHz, and shall not exceed 20 kHz for working frequencies higher than 29 MHz unless otherwise specified in the Technical Specifications for Amateur radio Apparatus.
Article 35
Amateur stations may construct a communications network with the emergency rescue stations established by the police, fire or health department to assist in the rescue efforts and provide service under the coordination of the police, fire or health department.
The communications network mentioned in the previous paragraph may operate on 3.5 MHz, 7 MHz, 14MHz, 21 MHz, 145 MHz and 433 MHz.
The frequencies of 145 MHz and 433 MHz shall be designated for calling and emergency rescue. No station shall occupy or interfere with these frequencies.
Article 36
The competent authority may, at any time, dispatch personnel to examine an amateur station's operation and equipment for the supervision of amateur radio.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)