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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter II Classification of installations by budget, and reports
Article 9
Except where the review committee has approved of a remittance to a fund or dedicated account, the implementing agency (organization) may directly implement plans with a public art budget of less than NT$500,000. Plans ought mainly to be directed at public art promotion, public participation, cultivation of aesthetics, art/culture experiences, art projects, environmental aesthetics, curation, and related efforts.
The implementing agency (organization) shall prepare and submit a final report to the reviewing agency for its reference.
Article 10
Where the total public art budget is between NT$500,000 and NT$2 million, the implementing agency (organization) should engage in one of the following:
a. public art promotion, public participation, cultivation of aesthetics, art/culture experiences, art projects, environmental aesthetics, curation, and related efforts, which the implementing agency (organization) may implement itself after submitting a table detailing basic related information to the review committee for approval. The implementing agency (organization) shall also prepare and submit a final report to the reviewing agency for its reference.
b. where the public art is permanent in nature, the stipulations of Article 11, Article 12, and Article 17 as well as related regulations shall apply.
Where the review committee denies approval for the above, the public art budget shall be remitted to the fund or dedicated account established by the relevant supervisory agency.
Article 11
Where the total public art budget exceeds NT$2 million, the implementing agency (organization) shall submit an installation plan to the review committee. The content of the plan shall include:
a. history and scope;
b. explanation of the natural and human environment of the site;
c. other analysis and textual/pictorial description of the site;
d. the concept behind the public artwork;
e. form of and standards for the competition;
f. plan for public participation;
g. list of names and brief biographies of the executive task force;
h. budget;
i. estimated timetable;
j. executive task force past meeting minutes;
k. draft brochure detailing the public competition or invitational and related information;
l. draft contract for the public art installation plan;
m. where the stipulations of Paragraph 1 of Article 30 concerning the management of commissioned projects apply, vendor’s curriculum vitae/corporate experience and information attesting to the vendor’s management of ongoing projects; and
n. other documents and information pertaining to the installation of public art.
When the aforementioned public art installation plan is approved, changes affecting Subparagraphs 5, 7, or 8 are to be submitted for approval to the review committee. However, where changes affecting Subparagraph 7 involve an agency’s representative, and where changes to Subparagraph 8 involve funds of less than NT$500,000, said changes shall be submitted to the reviewing agency for approval.
Article 12
For public art plans exceeding NT$2 million in value, the implementing agency (organization) shall draft a final report for the reference of the reviewing agency. The report shall contain the following information:
a. a table detailing the basic information of the public art installation, including textual and pictorial depictions of each element and its related budget;
b. the selection and installation process, addressing the selection, valuation meeting minutes, and review and acceptance record;
c. public participation and extension education record;
d. a plan for management and maintenance covering a minimum of 10 years and the related budget; where the installation plan already includes the post-construction management and maintenance budget, related fees shall be listed in succeeding years’ budgets; and
e. a review and suggestions for improvement.
The implementing agency (organization) shall submit a final report and where the reviewing agency believes there are points of contention or serious defects in the report, it shall submit it to the review committee.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)