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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Income Tax Act CH
Category: Ministry of Finance(財政部)
Chapter 4 Assessment & Collection Procedure
Section 1 Provisional Payment
Article 67
A profit-seeking enterprise, except one that conforms to Article 69, shall within the one-month period from September 1 to September 30 of each year, take one-half of the amount of tax payable as declared in its profit-seeking enterprise income tax return filed in the preceding year as the amount of the provisional payment of tax and pay it to the public treasury and file with the competent tax authority a declaration for provisional payment of tax on a prescribed form along with the receipt of the provisional payment.
A profit-seeking enterprise, without using investment tax credit, refundable tax from administrative remedy and withholding tax to offset the amount of the provisional tax payment in the preceding Paragraph, shall be exempt from filing a provisional income tax return according to the preceding Paragraph, if it pays the provisional tax to the public treasury.
Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, a profit-seeking enterprise organized as a company which keeps a complete set of account books and evidential documents, uses the Blue Return as provided in Article 77, or the account books of which have been audited and attested to by a certified public accountant, and then files its provisional tax return within the said period may alternatively compute the amount of provisional tax payment, which is based on the operating income incurred for the first six months of the current year under the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act and applied with the tax rates.
Article 68
In the case where a profit-seeking enterprise fails to make the provisional tax payment within the period as specified in Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article but has since filed the return and paid the amount of provisional tax payment, which is computed in accordance with the said provision, on his own accord to the tax authority before 31 October, interest accruable thereon as calculated on a daily basis at the banking rate for deposits as specified in Article 123 from 1 October until the date of the payment shall be collected together with the aforesaid amount of provisional tax payment.
In the case where a profit-seeking enterprise fails to make the provisional payment in accordance with the preceding paragraph before October 31, the tax authority shall compute the amount of provisional tax payable by it in accordance with Paragraph 1 of the preceding Article and issue to the said profit-seeking enterprise a tax demand notice covering the provisional payment plus one month's interest to be calculated at the banking interest rate for deposits as specified in Article 123, requiring the said profit-seeking enterprise to make the payment to the public treasury in fifteen days.
Article 69
The preceding two Articles shall not apply to the following cases:
1. (Deleted);
2. A profit-seeking enterprise without permanent establishment in the territory of the Republic of China, having its profit-seeking enterprise income tax withheld by business agent or the payer in accordance with Article 98-1;
3. A sole proprietorship or a partnership and any approved small-scale profit-seeking enterprise;
4. Any profit-seeking enterprise not subject to profit-seeking enterprise income tax in accordance with this Act or other relevant laws;
5. (Deleted).
6. Other profit-seeking enterprises approved by the MOF.
Article 70
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