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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter II Particular Kinds Of Obligations
Section 10 - Mandate
Article 528
A contract of mandate is a contract whereby the parties agree that one of them commissions the other party to deal with his affairs, and the latter agrees to do so.
Article 529
With regarding to the provisions of Mandate shall apply to any contract concerning the performance of services which does not belong to any kind of other contracts provided for by the act.
Article 530
A person who publicly expresses to take commission to deal with affairs specified is deemed to have accepted a mandate relating to such affairs, if he does not notify offeror immediately to refuse it.
Article 531
If, in order to deal with the affairs commissioned to him, the mandatory has to make juridical acts, which are required by the act to be in writing, giving the power of dealing with the affairs shall also be in writing. If a delegated power is given, the giving of delegated power shall apply the same rule.
Article 532
The scope of the power of the mandatory is agreed by the contract of mandate, or, in the absence of such agreement, according to the nature of the affair commissioned. The principal may give to the mandatory one or several affairs for specific mandate, or he may give a general mandate for all the affairs.
Article 533
The mandatory who has been given a general mandate may do whatever is necessary for the principal, of dealing with the affair commissioned.
Article 534
The mandatory who has a general mandate may do all acts, unless the following acts for which a specific commission shall be given:
(1) To sell real property or create a right in rem over it;
(2) To lease real property for a period of more than two years;
(3) To make a gift;
(4) To make a compromise;
(5) To bring an action for the satisfaction of a claim;
(6) To submit a dispute for arbitration.
Article 535
The mandatory who deals with the affair commissioned, shall be in accordance with the instructions of the principal and with the same care as he would deal with his own affairs. If he has received the remuneration, he shall do so with the care of a good administrator.
Article 536
A mandatory shall not deviate from the instructions of his principal except in cases of urgency, and provided that from the circumstances he can presume that the principal would permit of the deviation, if he had knowledge of the state of affairs.
Article 537
The mandatory shall deal personally with the affairs commissioned. However, if the principal has consented, or customs, or unavoidable circumstances, he may commission a third party instead to deal with the said affairs.
Article 538
If the mandatory has commissioned a third party instead to deal with the affairs which are the object of the mandate contrary to the provisions of the preceding article, he is liable for the acts of such third party in the same way as for his own.
If the third party has been commissioned instead to deal with the affairs which are the object of the mandate in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article, the mandatory is liable only for the selection of such third party, and the instructions which he has given to the third party.
Article 539
When a third party has been commissioned instead to deal with the affairs which are the object of the mandate, the principal has a direct right of demand to such third party relating to the execution of the affairs which are the object of the mandate.
Article 540
The mandatory shall inform the principal of the progress of the affairs commissioned. He shall give a definite report of his account at the end of the mandate.
Article 541
The mandatory shall deliver to the principal the moneys, things and profits which he received or collected in consequence of the dealing of the affairs commissioned.
The mandatory shall transfer to the principal the rights which he acquires in his own name but on behalf of the principal.
Article 542
If the mandatory has used for his own interests money which he shall have delivered to his principal or to have used in the interests of the principal, he shall pay interest thereon from the date when he used it for his own interests. He shall also compensate for the injury, if any.
Article 543
The principal shall not transfer to a third party the claim of dealing the affairs commissioned without the consent of the mandatory.
Article 544
The mandatory shall be liable to the principal for any injury resulting from his negligence in the execution of the affairs commissioned or from such acts as are beyond his authority.
Article 545
The principal shall, if required by the mandatory, pay him necessary outlays for the dealing of the affairs commissioned.
Article 546
If the mandatory, in the dealing of the affairs commissioned, has incurred necessary outlays, the principal shall return them with interest from the date when he paid for it.
If the mandatory in the dealing of the affairs commissioned has born a necessary obligation, he may demand the principal to perform such obligation in his place; or if the obligation is not yet matured, he may demand the principal to furnish a proper security for its performance.
If, in the dealing of the affairs commissioned, the mandatory has incurred injury through a circumstance for which he is not responsible, he may demand for the injury from the principal.
If there is someone else who shall be responsible for the injury prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the principal may make a claim against this person for reimbursement.
Article 547
Although remuneration has not been agreed upon, the mandatory may demand for such remuneration by customs, or by the nature of the affairs commissioned which shall pay the remuneration.
Article 548
When the mandatory shall receive remuneration, he shall not demand to pay until the end of the mandate and after the mandatory has given a definite report of his accounts, unless otherwise provided by the contract.
If, owing to circumstances for which the mandatory is not responsible, the mandate has ended before the completion of the dealing of the affairs commissioned, the mandatory may demand for the remuneration for such part he has dealt.
Article 549
Either party to a contract of mandate may terminate it at any time.
One of the parties who terminate the contract of the mandate at a period which is prejudicial to the other party shall pay to the other party for any injury resulting therefrom, unless the termination has to take place by reasons for which the party terminating the contract of the mandate is not responsible.
Article 550
The mandate terminates when one of the parties dies, or bankrupts, or loses his capacity to make juridical acts, unless it is otherwise provided by contract, or unless, from the nature of the affairs commissioned, such mandate cannot be extinguished.
Article 551
In the case specified in the preceding article, when the extinction of the mandate would be prejudicial to the interests of the principal, the mandatory, his successors or his guardian shall continue the dealing of the affairs, until the principal, his successors or his guardian themselves can continue to deal the said affairs.
Article 552
When the causes for the extinction of the mandate arise through one of the parties, the mandate is deemed to continue, until the other party knows or may know of such causes.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)