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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/17 00:42

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 9 Discipline On Ship
Article 121
Passengers on board a passenger ship shall obey the command of the master and observe the order of the ship.
Article 122
Any passenger on board a passenger ship shall not drink excessive wine, gamble or do any unlawful behavior. The master of the ship may order to stop such a behavior if it is done willfully. Or, he may enforce obedience to his order against those who do not obey and may ask some other passengers to act as the witnesses.
Article 123
In case of a birth, death, missing person or injury occurring on board a passenger ship, the master shall record the same in the logbook and issue a certificate to that effect.
Article 124
Any restricted area and inaccessible or untouchable equipment shall be clearly labeled.
Article 125
No berth of a crewmember shall under any circumstances be provided for passenger use unless granted by the master owing to special incidents.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)