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Chapter Law Content

Title: Statute for Industrial Innovation CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Chapter Nine - Establishment and Management of Industrial Parks
Article 33
A central competent authority, a special municipal/county/city competent authority, a state-owned or private enterprise, or an industrial entrepreneur may select a lot of land at a certain size in accordance with the relevant industrial park establishment policy, and submit a feasibility study report on the land together with all the required documents under the Urban Planning Act, the Regional Planning Act, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, and other relevant laws and regulations to the authorities administering the above laws and regulations for approval. After approval is obtained from the authorities, the feasibility study report shall be submitted to the central competent authority for approval.
After the central competent authority approves the establishment of an industrial park in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, it shall instruct the relevant special municipal/county/city competent authority to make a public announcement within 30 days. If such public announcement is not made within the time limit, the central competent authority may make the public announcement on its behalf.
If the area of land selected by a special municipal/county/city competent authority, a state-owned or private enterprise or an industrial entrepreneur in accordance with Paragraph 1 does not exceed a specific size and is located within the administrative district of a single special municipal/county/city, the special municipal/county/city competent authority may propose establishment of an industrial park on the land by submitting the documents required by the applicable laws and regulations to the competent authority administering such laws and regulations for approval. After the competent authority approves the proposal, the proposal shall be submitted to the special municipal/county/city competent authority for approval. After the special municipal/county/city competent authority approves the proposal, it shall publicly announce it within 30 days.
Prior to submitting a feasibility study report under Paragraph 1, a central competent authority, special municipal/county/city competent authority, state-owned or private enterprise, or industrial entrepreneur shall hold a public hearing to listen to the views of the owners of the land in question and other interested parties, and shall take full minutes of the meeting and submit the minutes to the relevant competent authorities for their review, except where the state-owned or private enterprise or the industrial entrepreneur proposes to establish an industrial park on its own land.
The guidelines for establishing industrial parks under Paragraph 1, the size of the land required for the establishment of an industrial park, and the size of an industrial park area that may be approved by a special municipal/county/city competent authority as referred to in Paragraph 3 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in consultation with the Ministry of the Interior.
Article 34
Where a state-owned or private sector enterprise or industrial entrepreneur applies for establishment of an industrial park, prior to the rezoning of the land in question, an amount equivalent to the then-current announced land value of 5% of the total land area at the time of the approval for establishment of the industrial park shall be paid to the industrial park development and management fund established by the special municipality or county (city) competent authority, notwithstanding any restriction under the provisions of Article 15-3 of the Regional Planning Act.
The special municipality and county (city) competent authority shall set aside a specified percentage of the sum paid in accordance with the preceding Paragraph to be used for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of relevant public facilities in the vicinity of the industrial park and to improve environmental protection in the affected area.
The percentage of the funds to be set aside as referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in consultation with the Ministry of the Interior.
Article 35
With respect to the industrial park of which a state-owned or private sector enterprise or an industrial entrepreneur applies for establishment, the construction permit shall be obtained within three years from the next date on which approval of establishment is publicly announced. If the construction permit is not obtained within the prescribed period, the original establishment approval shall become invalid.
After the approval for the establishment of an industrial park becomes invalid, the special municipality or county (city) competent authority shall notify the land registration authority to restore the land to its original zoning and designation pattern, and shall notify the central competent authority for recordation.
Article 36
To promote industrial transformation and upgrading in order to maintain the livelihood of local industries and small- and medium-sized enterprises and protect local job opportunities and preserve the environment, the central competent authority may, in consultation with the Ministry of the Interior, plan the establishment of small rural industrial parks or small local industrial parks, and may provide necessary assistance, guidance, or grants.
The regulations governing the recipients of the assistance, guidance, or grants as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, the eligibility criteria, the review standards, the application procedures, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 37
The central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority may commission a state-owned or private sector enterprise to file the application for establishment of an industrial park, and undertake the planning, the development, the lease or sale, or the administration of the park.
With respect to the commissioning of enterprises as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, if the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise is also responsible for raising the necessary funds, it may be by means of open selection and the provisions of the Government Procurement Act and the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects shall not apply.
The regulations governing eligibility of the state-owned or private sector enterprises as referred to in the first Paragraph, the terms and conditions of the commissioning, the scope of commissioned business, and the conditions and procedures for the open selection as referred to in the preceding paragraph, the handling of expiring development contracts, and relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 38
Where the land within an industrial park is to be reclaimed from the sea, the following matters shall be performed prior to the commencement of reclamation work:
1. Where the developer is the central competent authority, the approved reclamation construction management plan shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior for recordation.
2. Where the developer is a special municipality or county (city) competent authority or a state-owned or private sector enterprise, or an industrial entrepreneur, the developer shall submit a reclamation construction management plan to the central competent authority for review and approval, and pay the review fee. Reclamation work shall not begin until a development bond has been paid and a development contract has been signed with the central competent authority.
The regulations governing the contents of the reclamation construction management plan as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, the application procedures, the development bond, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 39
The land in an industrial park may be used as follows:
1. Land for industries.
2. Land for communities.
3. Land for public facilities.
4. Other types of land approved by the central competent authority.
The area of the land for industries shall not be less than 60% of the total land area of an industrial park.
The area of the land for communities shall not be more than 10% of the total land area of an industrial park.
The area of the land for public facilities shall not be less than 20% of the total land area of an industrial park.
The regulations governing the uses of the types of land as referred to in the first Paragraph, the permitted scope of use, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority in consultation with the central authorities in charge of relevant enterprises.
Article 40
Article 41
Where the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority is to develop an industrial park, after the public announcement of the approval for establishment of the industrial park but prior to the commencement of development work, the local special municipality government or county (city) competent authority shall publicly announce the suspension of transfer of ownership of the land and the buildings thereon, and the suspension of accepting applications for construction permits. The announced period of such suspension shall not exceed two years. Where a construction permit has already been obtained, construction work shall not commence until consent is given by the central competent authority or the special municipality or county (city) competent authority.
The suspension of transfer of ownership of land and buildings publicly announced in accordance with the preceding Paragraph shall not apply to any transfer effected as a result of inheritance, compulsory execution, expropriation for public purposes, or court judgment.
Article 42
Where privately owned land is required by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority for the development of an industrial park, the land may be expropriated.
Where government-owned land is required by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority for the development of an industrial park, the authority responsible for the sale of the government-owned land in question may conduct the sale without being subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 25 of the Land Act or the laws and regulations governing the management of public property promulgated by the relevant local government.
The sale price of the government-owned land sold in accordance with the preceding Paragraph shall be calculated at the same compensation amount for the privately owned land that is located in the same land-value area and which is used for the same original purpose and expropriated for development of the industrial district. However, if the entire portion of land in the industrial park under development is government-owned, the value of such land shall be determined in accordance with the evaluation standard applicable to the disposition of ordinary public property.
Article 43
Where a state-owned or private sector enterprise, or an industrial entrepreneur has a need to use privately-owned land to develop an industrial park, such developer shall obtain the land on its own. However, under any of the following circumstances, the developer may apply to the special municipality or county (city) competent authority for land expropriation:
1. Where the original owner of the privately owned land has died and his/her heir fails to apply for registration of succession within two years from the date of inheritance.
2. Where the land cannot be purchased due to the death of the administrator of the clan property of an ancestral shrine.
Land expropriated in accordance with the preceding Paragraph shall be sold directly to the state-owned or private sector enterprise, or industrial entrepreneur as referred to in the preceding Paragraph by the special municipality or county (city) competent authority that conducts the expropriation without being subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 25 of the Land Act and the laws and regulations governing the management of public property promulgated by the relevant local government. The sale price shall be determined by the special municipality or county (city) competent authority.
Where government-owned land is required by a state-owned or private sector enterprise, or an industrial entrepreneur to develop an industrial park, the authority responsible for the sale of the government-owned land shall conduct the sale. Where the government-owned land occupies no more than one tenth of the total land area of the industrial park, or for no more than 5 hectares in total, the restrictions set forth in Article 25 of the Land Act and the laws and regulations governing the management of public property promulgated by the relevant local government shall not apply. The sale price shall be determined according to the evaluation standard applicable to the disposition of ordinary public property.
Article 44
When the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority undertakes development of an industrial park, if the park contains land that has already been and will continue to be used for industrial purposes, the owner of such land shall share the costs of developing and constructing the industrial park in proportion to the size of such land.
The costs of developing and constructing the industrial park shall be determined by the competent authority which develops the industrial park.
Article 45
The land, buildings, and facilities located within an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority shall be utilized, used for profit, managed, and disposed of by the relevant competent authority in accordance with this Statute without being subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 25 of the Land Act, the National Property Act, or the laws or regulations governing the management of public property promulgated by the relevant local government.
Where a lease is made for any purposes under the preceding Paragraph, the calculation of rental and guarantee bond shall not be subject to the restrictions of Article 97, Paragraph 1 Article 99, or Article 105 of the Land Act; the termination of the lease agreement or the recovery of the lease property shall not be subject to the restrictions of Paragraph 2 or 3 of Article 440 of the Civil Code or Article 100 or 103 of the Land Act. Where a superficies is created for the purposes of the preceding Paragraph, the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 836 of the Civil Code, which stipulates that the total amount of outstanding land rental must amount to the sum of two years' land rental before superficies can be invalidated, shall not apply.
Article 46
The land, buildings, and facilities located within an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority shall be utilized, used for profit, or disposed of in accordance with the following provisions respectively. The prices of utilizing, profiting from, and disposal of such land, buildings, and facilities shall be determined by the competent authority that develops the industrial park, provided that where the development funds are all raised by a commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise, these matters are handled in accordance with the terms of the development mandate agreement.
1. With respect to land for industries and the buildings erected thereon, the competent authority that develops the industrial park shall handle the lease or sale of, or establishment of superficies on, the land or buildings, or shall handle the matters in other ways as approved by the central competent authority.
2. With respect to land for communities, the competent authority that develops the industrial park shall handle the matters using the following methods in the order of priority:
(1) Allocated sale to the owners of land or buildings purchased or expropriated.
(2) Sale to enterprises located within the industrial park for the construction of employee housing and sale to employees for housing construction.
(3) Sale for construction of residential properties.
3. With respect to land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities, the competent authority that develops the industrial park shall handle their lease, sale, encumbrance, use for benefits, and provision for use free of charge.
The term “owners of buildings” as referred to in Item (1) of Subparagraph 2 in the preceding Paragraph shall refer to only those owners who have already completed cadastral registration prior to the date when suspension of transfer of ownership is announced as referred to in Paragraph 1, Article 41 hereof.
The regulations governing the procedures, conditions, and other relevant matters regarding the utilization of, profits from, and disposal of the land, buildings, and facilities as referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
With respect to the land located within an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, approval may be sought from the Executive Yuan for the sale of such land on a case-by-case basis, in line with the policy of national economic development, and in light of the location of the land, the anticipated buyers, the sale prices and other terms and conditions; the purchasers of the land may complete the construction of the relevant public facilities in accordance with the feasibility study.
Article 46-1
Where the owner of a plot of land in an industrial park developed and established by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority has kept the land idle for a certain consecutive period without good reasons, and the land is in a condition set forth in the criteria for identifying idle land prescribed by the central competent authority, the central competent authority may announce that the land is idle, and notify the land owner and the interested parties that a building/buildings has/have to be constructed on the land for use in accordance with the laws in two years, unless the land is subject to any contract between the land owner and a competent authority or is to be disposed of in accordance with the applicable regulations. The competent authority may at any time provide guidance to such a landowner and the interested parties on how to construct buildings on the land for use within the given time limit.
Where the competent authority orders the construction of buildings for use within the time limit pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the competent authority shall request the land registration agency to add a note to the registration of such buildings indicating such a requirement. The requirement shall be valid for two years. If title to the land is transferred to another within the two years, the requirement shall be assumed by the successor to the title.
The two-year period shall be reduced by the number of the days in which the requirement is suspended for causes not attributable to the land owner, and may be extended if requested by the landowner for good reasons.
Where a building (buildings) has (have) been constructed on a plot of land and used within the period under the preceding two paragraphs in accordance with the law, the competent authority shall request the land registration agency to cancel the note. Where no building is constructed on such a plot of land in the given time limit, the competent authority may fine the landowner with an amount of up to 10 percent of the assessed then current value of the idle land and order the land owner to propose a correction plan within one month. Upon receipt of the correction plan, the competent authority may notify the land owner for consultation. The landowner shall complete the consultation within one month of receipt of the notice from the competent authority. To promote use of the land in industrial parks in line with the legislative purposes and development of national economy, and prevent land hoarding from harming public interests, if a landowner fails to propose an correction plan or complete consultation with the competent authority within the given time limit, the authority may decide in writing that the idle land shall be put up for open compulsory auction after a reasonable price is set on the basis of an appraised market price.
The competent authority shall request branch offices of the Administrative Enforcement Agency of the Ministry of Justice to conduct the compulsory auction under the preceding Paragraph. Unless otherwise specified in this Article, the auction procedures under the Administrative Enforcement Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the auction under this Article.
If all the bids for a plot of idle land subject to compulsory auction under the preceding two paragraphs are deemed invalid; the highest bid from the bidders is lower than the reasonable price set on the basis of the appraised market price; any other auction requirements are not met, the land shall not be auctioned off.
In the event of a situation described in the preceding paragraph, the competent authority may request that another auction for the same or another reasonable price be held in accordance with the preceding three paragraphs.
As soon as a plot of land is auctioned off, there shall be no preferential right to purchase the land under the Land Act or other laws or regulations, and the competent branch office of the Administrative Enforcement Agency of the Ministry of Justice shall ask the land registration agency to cancel or remove all the noted requirements for, encumbrances, restraints or leasehold on the land before the land is delivered to the winner of the auction. If the competent authority considers it unnecessary to continue the auction procedure, it may withdraw its request to the competent branch office of the Administrative Enforcement Agency of the Ministry of Justice for the auction, and request the land registration agency to cancel the noted requirement.
The criteria for defining idle land and land having been used to construct buildings, public announcements, notices, reduction of the time limit for non-attributable causes, reasons supporting request for extension of the time limit, matters noted as requested by the competent authorities, the methods, procedures, and guidelines for deciding appraised market prices, qualifications for bidders for compulsory auction, and the terms for using land acquired under the preceding seven paragraphs shall be prescribed by the central competent authorities.
Article 47
With respect to an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, where the funds are all raised by the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise, the development cost, within the term of the development mandate agreement, shall be determined by such competent authority. In the event that the proceeds from the sale of land or buildings exceed the cost, the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise shall pay a certain percentage of the difference to the industrial park development and management fund established by such competent authority. The certain percentage shall not be lower than 50% of the difference.
On the expiry of the development mandate agreement, the competent authority that develops the industrial park may dispose of any as yet unleased and unsold land or buildings located within the industrial park using one of the following methods:
1. Paying a reasonable price to the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise, provided that such reasonable price does not exceed the share of the actual development costs allocated to the land or buildings in question.
2. Notifying the special municipality or county (city) government within whose jurisdiction the industrial park is located to instruct the relevant registration authority to transfer the ownership to the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise. The commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise shall continue to use and dispose of the same in accordance with the planning for the industrial park.
The method for determining the development cost, the payment percentage of the difference, and the method for calculating the reasonable price as referred to in the preceding two Paragraphs shall be expressly stipulated by the competent authority in the development mandate agreement.
Article 48
With respect to an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, with the exception of land for communities that is allocated for sale, when selling all other land and buildings, the purchaser shall pay the development and management fund in an amount equivalent to 1% of the purchase price to the industrial park development and management fund established by the competent authority.
Prior to the registration of transfer of ownership in accordance with Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 2 of the preceding Article, the commissioned state-owned or private sector enterprise shall pay the industrial park development and management fund in an amount equivalent to 1% of the reasonable price.
Article 49
To meet the needs of industrial park development and ensure sound industrial park management, the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority may establish an industrial park development and management fund.
In principle, an industrial park development and management fund shall be established in such a way as to be self-financing.
The funding sources for an industrial park development and management fund shall be as follows:
1. Monetary contributions made in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.
2. Interest on loans.
3. Payments received in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Article.
4. Industrial park maintenance fees, usage charges, administration fees, service fees, and royalties.
5. Remnant funds left over after the completion of the industrial park development.
6. Appropriations by the government in accordance with budgetary procedures.
7. Interest income of the fund.
8. Revenue from investment in relevant enterprises located in the industrial park.
9. Income in excess of the cost collected in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, Article 47 above.
10. Other relevant sources of income.
The industrial park development and management fund may be used for the following purposes:
1. To provide financing for industrial park development.
2. To subsidize the increased interest on development cost where it proves impossible to sell or lease the land or buildings within the industrial park for an extended period, resulting in a situation where the rental or price of land or buildings within the industrial park is higher than the rental or price of land or buildings for equivalent use in the neighboring areas.
3. To pay for the construction, maintenance, or improvement of public facilities in the industrial park or the adjacent areas.
4. To meet the operating costs of the industrial park administration.
5. To improve environmental protection in the industrial park or in the adjacent areas affected by the industrial park.
6. To fund research, planning, or promotional work relating to the industrial park.
7. To make investments in businesses related to the industrial park.
8. To pay out specified amounts for subsequent relief or compensation relating to major accidents within the industrial park that affect the general public.
9. Other relevant expenditures.
Article 50
An industrial park shall establish an administration agency in accordance with the following provisions to handle the management and maintenance of and provide services and guidance relating to land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities within the industrial park:
1. In the case of an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, the competent authority shall establish the administration agency. The competent authority may also commission another authority or a state-owned or private sector enterprise to establish or manage the administration agency.
2. In the case of an industrial park developed by a state-owned or private sector enterprise, when arranging the lease or sale of the land, such state-owned or private enterprise shall apply to the special municipality or county (city) government with jurisdiction over the industrial park for the establishment of an administration agency with a juridical person status.
3. In the case of an industrial park jointly developed by two or more industrial entrepreneurs, the administration agency shall be established at the time of the public announcement of industrial park establishment by the local special municipality or county (city) competent authority.
4. In the case of an industrial park developed by a single industrial entrepreneur, or where the entirety of such industrial park is leased or sold to another single industrial entrepreneur for the exclusive use of such industrial entrepreneur, the requirement to establish an administration agency may be waived.
With respect to the administration agency established by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the regulations governing the organization, personnel management, salaries standards, deposits for retirement/severance benefits, consolation payments, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
Where the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority commissions another authority or enterprise to establish the administration agency on its behalf in accordance with the provisions of Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 1, the regulations governing the operation, management, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 51
With respect to an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities in the park shall be managed by the industrial park administration agency on behalf of the competent authority, and shall be registered in accordance with the following provisions, unless otherwise provided for in this Statute:
1. In the case of an industrial park developed by the central competent authority, the state shall be the registered owner, and the management agency shall be the Ministry of Economic Affairs. However, the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities within a community shall be registered as owned by the local special municipality or county (city), and the management agency shall be the competent authority of such special municipality or county (city) government.
2. In the case of an industrial park developed by a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, the municipality or county (city) shall be the registered owner, and the management agency shall be the special municipality or county (city) competent authority.
In the case of an industrial park developed by a state-owned or private enterprise, ownership of the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities shall be transferred free of charge to the relevant administration agency. However, if the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities are for the use of unspecified people or are located in communities, their registered owners shall be the local special municipalities or counties (cities), and shall be managed by the competent authorities of the special municipal or county (city) governments.
Once ownership has been transferred by a state-owned or private enterprise to the administration agency in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph, the lease of, sale of, encumbrance on, or other disposal of the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities shall not be valid unless it has been approved by the competent authority of the special municipality or county (city) government.
Article 52
An industrial district that developed before this Statute comes into force may establish an administration agency in accordance with the provisions of Article 50.
In the case of an industrial district developed by a special municipality or county (city) competent authority before this Statute comes into force, if it is being managed by the central competent authority, the central competent authority may transfer the responsibility for management of the industrial district to the special municipality or county (city) competent authority, and may conduct transfer registration with respect to the land for public facilities, public buildings, and public facilities within the industrial district without being subject to the restrictions set forth in Article 25 of the Land Act, the National Property Act, and the laws and regulations governing the management of public property promulgated by the relevant local government.
The regulations governing the transfer of responsibility as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, conditions of accepting responsibility, procedures, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 53
An administration agency that has been established in accordance with the provisions of Article 50 may require payment of the following fees from the users of the industrial park:
1. General maintenance fees for public facilities.
2. Usage fees for the waste water treatment system.
3. Usage fees or maintenance fees for other specific facilities.
The charging rates for the above fees shall be formulated by the administration agency. In the case of an industrial park developed by the central competent authority, the charging rates shall be reported to the central competent authority for its approval. In the case of an industrial park developed by the competent authority at the special municipality or county (city) government level, or by a state-owned or private sector enterprise, the charging rates shall be reported to such special municipality or county (city) competent authority for its approval.
If users of an industrial park developed by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority fail to pay the fees prescribed in Paragraph 1 within the deadline specified, they shall pay a delinquent fee equivalent to 1% of the fees due for every two days of delay; the cumulative total delinquent fee shall be capped at 15% of the total fees payable by the delinquent users.
Article 54
The central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority may alter the land allocation plan for an industrial park if necessary for government policy or industrial development, provided that such alteration does not go against the land area percentages, land uses, and usage regulations provided in Paragraphs 2 through 5 of Article 39.
The proviso in the preceding Paragraph regarding land area percentages shall not apply to industrial land or industrial districts that were approved on or prior to December 31, 1999.
A landowner may apply to the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority for land rezoning. In such cases, the central competent authority or the special municipality or county (city) competent authority shall charge the applicant a review fee for reviewing the rezoning application.
Where a rezoning application submitted in accordance with the provisions of the preceding Paragraph is approved by the central competent authority or a special municipality or county (city) competent authority, the applicant shall make a monetary contribution based on the rezoning category and a certain percentage of the current announced land value as of the time of the approval.
With respect to the land rezoning plans as referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 3, the regulations governing the eligibility criteria, the required documents, the application procedures, the approval criteria, the grounds for revocation or abolishment, the standards for setting the review fees and monetary contribution as referred to in the two preceding Paragraphs, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
Article 55
If the entirety or a part of an industrial park no longer needs to exist due to changes in the overall environment, the central competent authority or the special municipality or county (city) competent authority that originally gave approval for its establishment may revoke the original approval. Such revocation of the original approval shall be publicly announced by the special municipality or county (city) competent authority within 30 days from the date of revocation. If the special municipality or county (city) competent authority does not announce such revocation within the time limit, the central competent authority may make the announcement on its behalf. Where the revocation of the original approval concerns rezoning of land, the approval of the authority in charge of urban planning or regional planning shall be obtained before the public announcement can be made.
Where the original approval is revoked by a special municipality or county (city) competent authority in accordance with the preceding Paragraph, the competent authority shall submit documents regarding the revocation to the central competent authority for recordation.
The regulations governing the criteria for determining whether existence of an industrial park is no longer needed as referred to in Paragraph 1, the procedures for revocation of an establishment approval, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central competent authority.
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