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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4 Utilization
Section 2 The Appropriation of Non-Public Use Property
Article 30
Each government authority appropriating the non-public use real estate according to Article 38 of this Act shall get appropriation applications ready and its forms shall be specified by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 31
Each government authority appropriates non-public use real estate according to paragraph 1 of Article 38 of this Act, its application name must be as follows:
1. Central organization, school at all levels, applied by its name of each organization, school.
2. Municipality, County(City) Government and their subordinate organization, school, applied by its name of each organization, school; Village(Town, City) Office, applied by its name of Village(Town, City) Office; Municipality, County(City) Council, applied by its name of each council; Village (Town, City) Council, applied by the name of Village(Town, City) Office.
3. Organizations, schools, troops under the Ministry of National Defense and its Subordinate Agencies, applied by the name of Armaments Bureau of the Ministry.
4. Provincial Government and its subordinate organization, applied by the name of Provincial Government and its subordinate organization; Provincial Advisory Assembly, applied by the name of Provincial Advisory Assembly.
Article 32
The term ”superior authority” mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article of this Act indicates following organizations:
1. Central organization, school at all levels mentioned in the foregoing subparagraph 1 indicate presidential office or each yuan, ministry, committee, department, bureau.
2. Municipality, County(City) Government and their subordinate organization, school mentioned in subparagraph 2 of the foregoing article indicate Municipality or County(City) government; Village(Town, City) office, their superior authority indicates county government; Municipality, County(City) Assembly, their superior authority indicate each assembly.
3. Armaments Bureau mentioned in subparagraph 3 of this article, its superior authority indicates the ministry of National Defense.
4. Provincial government and its subordinate organization mentioned in subparagraph 4, their superior authority indicates provincial government; provincial advisory assembly, its superior authority indicates provincial advisory assembly.
The term “verifying the facts” mentioned in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 38 of this Act indicates that to decide a appropriation is allowed or not by utilization plan, needed area, maps and expenditure budget drafted by the appropriation organization.
Article 33
The term ”prosperous area” mentioned in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 38 of this Act indicates commercial district of urban planning or land price over a given amount which is decided by the National Property Administration.
Article 34
Appropriating national land for construction purpose, construction area must be computed by standard of building coverage ratio, however, land needed by defense and communication important facilities or needed by training organization is not subject to restrictions.
Appropriating national land for constructing office, barracks and school building shall make possible use of building height in order to promote land utilization value.
Article 35
Article 36
Non-public use real estate after appropriation, the National Property Administration can send a officer to investigate its utilization on-the-spot.
Article 37
Article 38
While appropriating national land, accepted appropriation organization reorganized or combined and succeeding organization taking over the utilization shall ask branch offices of the National Property Administration to investigate firstly and report to the Ministry of Finance for reference.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)