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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/14 09:30

Chapter Law Content

Title: Farmer Health Insurance Act CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
CHAPTER Ⅳ Insurance Payment
Section 4 Payment for Disability
Article 36
The insured person can apply for a one-time disability payment based on his/her month insured amount for that month and the level of disabled condition and benefits standards, once he/she is diagnosed as permanently disabled and can’t further recover by further treatment by a medical institution established or designated by the insurer for diagnosis and treatment due to injury or disease, if his/her disability is fit for disability benefits standards.
A disability payment is not available if the insured person is dead on the date when the Diagnosis Report of Disability for Farmer Health Insurance is issued by the medical institution designated by the insurer.
The types of disability, conditions, levels, payment amount, levels of medical institution issuing the diagnosis report, examination criteria and other standards mentioned in Paragraph 1 shall be stipulated by the central competent authority and central health authority.
Article 37
If the insured person originally has a partial disability and the severity worsens or he/she has suffered from additional disability, the insurer shall re-evaluate the level of the worsened or newly added disability. The payment should also be made based on the new disabled level. However, the highest payment amount should be limited to the first level.
In cases of an insured person who originally has a partial disability while his/her insurance is still in effect as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph but has not claimed the disability payment, the insurer shall, based on the level of disability following the increased severity of the disability, calculate and pay out the disability payment based on the standards for disability benefits. However, the highest payment amount should be limited to the first level.
Article 38
To determine the application for disabled payment, the insurer is allowed to hire medical experts who have clinical or actual experiences to examine the diagnosis report and verify the case history or other treatment records. If necessary, the insurer is allowed to ask the insured for re-examination and designate a hospital or doctor for the examination.
Article 39
Once the insured person receives the disabled payment according to Article 36, the insurer recognizes that the insured person cannot engage in farming activities any more, the effectiveness of the insurance qualification shall be terminated on the date when the Diagnosis Report of Disability for Farmer Health Insurance is issued by the designated medical institution by the insurer.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)