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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 08:35

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 3 Election and Recall
Section 5 Public Notice for Election
Article 38
The election commissions shall issue various public notices within the time limit pursuant to the following provisions:
1.The public notice for election shall state the type of election,quota of elect,division of electoral districts, date of voting,and the commencing and terminating time of voting,and shall be issued forty days before expiration of the tenure of the public officials or a specific period.However,this shall not apply to the date of public notice for the election, reelection,re-voting or by-election of members of the Legislative Yuan due to the dissolution of the Legislative Yuan ordered by the President of the ROC.
2.The public notice for registration of candidates shall be issued twenty days before the polling day, and the period of registration shall be not less than five days.However,for reelection,by-election and the election of the representatives of a township (city) congress,the representatives of an Indigenous district,the chief of a township (city),the chief of an Indigenous district and the chiefs of villages(boroughs),the period of registration shall be not less than three days.
3.The public notice of the list of electors shall be issued fifteen days before the polling day, and the period of the public notice shall be not less than three days.
4.The public notice of the list of candidates shall be issued one day before the campaign activities begin.
5.The public notice of the number of electors shall be issued three days before the polling day.
6.The public notice of the list of electees shall be issued within senven days after the polling day.
If the quota referred to in Subparagraph 1 of the preceding paragraph is calculated according to the population,the population of the householdstatistics at the end of the sixth month before the month of voting shall apply.
After the period of registration referred to in Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 expires,if there is no candidate registered in an electoral district,a public notice may be issued to handle a second registration of candidates,and the period of registration shall not be less than two days.
Where any of the public notices referred to in any Subparagraph of Paragraph 1 demands the consistency nationwide,the election commissions of higher levels may directly publicize it.
Article 39
The voting for the election of public officials shall be completed ten days before the current tenure of the public officials or the specified period of time expires.However,this shall not apply to the completion date of the voting for reelection,re-voting or by-election.
The voting for the election of members of the Legislative Yuan due to the dissolution of the Legislative Yuan ordered by the President of the ROC shall be completed within sixty days commencing from the dissolution date announced by the President of the ROC.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)