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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Emergency Medical Services Act CH
Category: Ministry of Health and Welfare(衛生福利部)
Chapter Seven Penalties
Article 41
For any of the following conditions, the ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) shall be fined NT$ 100,000 up to NT$ 500,000 as well as notified to make corrections within deadline; if corrections are not made in due time, the aforementioned punishments may be consecutively imposed:
1.Violation of article 15 prescribing rules governing ambulance specification standards and applications decided by the central competent health authority upon authorization;
2.Violation of article 16 Paragraph 4 prescribing rules governing ambulance deployment and operation management, and establishment of ambulance operation institution decided by the central competent health authority under upon authorization;
3.Violation of regulations of article 18.
For serious violations of all Subparagraphs of the preceding Paragraph, the license of ambulance deployment may be revoked directly and the ambulance license of all ambulances may be cancelled by the motor vehicle offices through notification made by the local municipality or county (city) competent health authorities; for ambulance operation institutions, the institution establishment licenses may be revoked.
Agencies (institutions), other than those set forth in article 16 Paragraph 2, deploying ambulance in private shall be fined NT$ 100,000 up to NT$ 500,000; the vehicle license plates may be cancelled by the motor vehicle offices through notification made by the local municipality or county (city) competent health authorities.
Article 42
For any of the following violations, a fine of NT$ 60,000 up to NT$ 300,000 shall be disposed:
1.Violations of article 17 Paragraph 2, article 34 Paragraph 1 and article 20 for the overcharge of prescribed ambulance services fees;
2.Violation of article 36 Paragraph 1 where hospitals directly proceed to patient referral without performing immediate medical care based on the medical capacity or appropriate disposal on patients in emergency;
3.Violation of article 38 Paragraph 1 where hospitals provide medical services against the hospital emergency accreditation by level decided by the central competent health authority.
Article 43
For any of the following violations, a fine of NT$ 50,000 up to NT$ 250,000 shall be imposed:
1.Ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) in violation of article 21 Paragraph 2 or article 33;
2.Hospitals in violation of article 40.
Article 44
For any of the following violations, a fine of NT$ 10,000 up to NT$ 50,0000 shall be imposed and mandatory correction in due time shall be notified; if correction is not made in due time, the aforementioned punishments may be consecutively imposed on:
1.Medical care institutions in violation of article 34 Paragraph 2;
2.Emergency responsibility hospitals in violation of article 39 Paragraph 1.
Article 45
For any of the following violations, a fine of NT$ 10,000 up to NT$ 50,000 shall be imposed:
1.Rescue technicians in violation of article 26 or article 27 Paragraph 1;
2.Rescue personnel in violation of article 29 or article 33;
3.Rescue technicians and other personnel under the participating agencies (institutions) of emergency medical services in violation of article 35;
4.Violation of article 36 Paragraph 2 where hospitals are subject to the prescribed referral conditions, methods, and responsible communication and coordination matters, or violation of article 37 Paragraph 2.
Article 46
Ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) in violation of article 17 Paragraph 1 or article 19 Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 shall be fined NT$ 5,000 up to NT$ 25,000 as well as notified to make mandatory correction in due time; if correction is not made in due time, the aforementioned punishments may be consecutively imposed on.
Article 47
For any of the following violations, a fine of NT$ 5,000 up to NT$ 25,000 shall be imposed:
1.Violation of article 28;
2.Rescue personnel in violation of article 34 Paragraph 1.
Article 48
Violators of article 18, article 36, article 38 Paragraph 1 or article 40 shall be fined accordingly in addition to the punishments set forth in article 41 Paragraph 1, article 42, article 43, or article 45. For violators who are physicians-in-charge of private medical care physicians, the punishments shall not be imposed additionally.
Article 49
Ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) pursuant to article 16 Paragraph 4 committing any of the following violations shall be revoked of all of the ambulance deployment licenses; for ambulance operation institutions, the institution establishment licenses shall also be revoked:
1.Allowing ineligible personnel to perform emergency medical services at will;
2.Unjustifiable performance against good custom and hazardous to human health;
3.Criminal conduct by means of ambulance;
4.Violation of article 20 and failure to return the overcharge to the patients after the overcharge of ambulance fees being approved.
Article 50
The municipality and county (city) competent health authorities revoking the ambulance deployment licenses according to the preceding articl eshall notify the motor vehicle offices to cancel the vehicle license plates.
Article 51
Ambulance deploy agencies (institutions) subject to the disposition of ambulance deployment license revocation shall not apply for the deployment within three years.
Article 52
The fines and revocation of license for public and private ambulance deployment institutions set forth in this Act shall be decided by the municipality and county (city) competent health authorities.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)