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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/27 20:05

Chapter Law Content

Chapter Three - Consumer Advocacy Groups
Article 27
Consumer advocacy groups can only be organized as juridical persons of associations or foundations.
Consumer advocacy groups shall advocate for representing consumer interests and promoting consumer education.
Article 28
The missions of consumer advocacy groups are as follows:
1. Conducting surveys, comparisons, research and publication of the prices of goods or services.
2. Conducting surveys, test, research and publication of the quality of goods or services.
3. Conducting surveys, comparisons, research and publication of the labeling and content of goods.
4. Providing consumer information consulting services, introductions and reports.
5. Issuing consumer protection publications.
6. Conducting surveys, analysis and make conclusions on consumer opinions.
7. Accepting consumer complaints and mediating consumer disputes.
8. Handling consumer disputes and filings consumer litigation.
9. Making recommendations to government to enact proper consumer protection legislations or administrative measures.
10. Making recommendation to traders to adopt proper consumer protection measures.
11. Other matters related to the protection of consumer interests.
Article 29
For the purpose of testing of goods or services, consumer advocacy groups shall facilitate or entrust agencies or organizations with testing instruments and equipments to engage the inspections.
Inspectors shall make record of inspection which records the information related to the sampling, sampling storage environment, the testing instruments and equipment, testing measures and processes and present the results to the consumer advocacy groups.
After publicly announcing the results of the testing, the consumer advocacy groups shall also announce records of the sampling, sampling storage environment, information of the testing instruments and equipment, testing measures and processes, and notify the related traders.
Where there are mistakes or errors in the announced testing records prescribed in the second paragraph, the consumer advocacy group shall make proactive correction and publicly announcement, and enable the related traders to have opportunities to clarify.
Article 30
Before implementing consumer protection legislation or administrative measures, government shall seek consultation from consumer advocacy groups, related Industries, scholar and expert opinions.
Article 31
Consumer advocacy groups may make request to the government for necessary assistance when engaging in information survey or tests of products or services.
Article 32
The competent authorities may provide financial support to consumer advocacy groups which make effective contribution in consumer right protection.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)