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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Statute for Industrial Innovation CH
Category: Ministry of Economic Affairs(經濟部)
Chapter Seven - Environment for the Sustainable Development of Industries
Article 26
To encourage the sustainable development of industries, the central authorities in charge of relevant enterprises may provide enterprises with grants or guidance to promote the following matters:
1. Assisting enterprises in adapting to international regulations for environmental protection and health and safety.
2. Promoting the development and application of technology relating to greenhouse gas reduction and pollution prevention.
3. Encouraging enterprises to improve the efficiency of their energy and resource consumption and to adopt relevant technologies that may recycle/renew energy/resources and save energy and water.
4. Production of non-toxic, less-polluting products and other products that reduce the burden on the environment.
The regulations governing the recipients of the grants or guidance as referred to in the preceding Paragraph, the eligibility criteria, the review standards, the application procedures, the approving authority, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central authorities in charge of relevant enterprises.
Article 27
Each central authority in charge of relevant enterprises shall encourage government agencies and institutions, and enterprises to procure software, and innovative and green products and services.
To enhance the procurement efficiency for supply and demand, the central competent authority may provide relevant assistance and services to the agencies and institutions making procurements under the preceding paragraph. For procurements made through joint supply contracts in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the common requirements may be defined by the central competent authority in consultation with the central authority in charge of the relevant entities as the policy demands.
Where the software, innovative and green products and services procured in accordance with Paragraph 1 must pass testing, review, accreditation and certification, the charges for such processes may be reduced, waived, or suspended.
A government agency/institution may specify in the tender documentation that priority shall be given to procurement of innovative and green products or services identified as meeting the requirements of Paragraph 1, provided that such priority does not violate any treaty or agreement to which the R.O.C. is a party.
The regulations governing the specifications and categories of, and certification procedures and review standards for, the software, innovative and green products and services under Paragraph 1, the testing and review criteria, accreditation and certification under Paragraph 3, the method of making priority procurement under Paragraph 4, and other relevant matters shall be prescribed by the central authorities in charge of relevant enterprises.
Article 28
To encourage enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility, the central authorities in charge of relevant enterprises shall assist enterprises to actively disclose the relevant environmental information regarding their production processes, products, services, and other aspects of sustainable development, and the enterprises with outstanding performance may be eligible to receive commendations or awards.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)