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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 7 Appended Provision
Article 32
The government may commission appropriate juridical persons, organizations, or groups in the culture and arts sphere to confer awards and grants described in this Act.
Regulations governing the juridical persons, organizations, or groups commissioned to convey awards and grants shall be approved of by the commissioning agency.
Commissioned juridical persons, organizations, or groups shall draft regulations concerning information transparency and recusal, submit these to the supervising agency, and make them public.
Commissioned juridical persons, organizations, or groups shall regularly publish the names of recipients of awards and grants as well as the amount.
Where necessary, the commissioning agency may conduct inspections of the conveying of awards and grants by commissioned juridical persons, organizations, or groups to ensure supervision and understand how well commissioned work is being carried out.
Article 33
Artifacts, works of art, and specimens from other countries, mainland China, Hong Kong, or Macao that have been approved of by the central competent authority to be exhibited shall, while in transport, custody, and exhibition, not be subject to lawsuits, seizure, or other forcible action.
Regulations concerning the application procedure, conditions, and related items will be drawn up by the central supervisory authority.
Article 34
This Act’s enforcement rules shall be drawn up by the central competent agency.
Article 35
This Act shall come into force on the day of its promulgation, with the exception of Article 10, for which the date of effectiveness shall be determined by the Executive Yuan.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)