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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 7 Methods, procedures, and guidelines for deciding appraised market prices
Article 22
The reasonable prices and other matters in respect of the private factories and relevant buildings subject to open compulsory auction under Paragraph 5 of Article 20 shall be determined by the review teams.
Before referring to the review teams for determination under the preceding paragraph, the Park Bureaus shall conduct the appraisal of market prices.
Article 23
In conducting the appraisal of market prices under the preceding article, the Park Bureaus may engage not less than two real estate appraiser offices to conduct the appraisal in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to real estate appraisal.
Article 24
The expenses paid for the appraisal of market prices under the preceding article shall be borne by the building owners.
The expenses under the preceding paragraph shall be repaid to the Park Bureaus out of the auction proceeds of the compulsory auction in priority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)