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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 4 Tax Collection Procedures
Section 1 Domestically Manufactured Alcohol and Tobacco Products
Article 13
When a manufacturer files a monthly tax return for taxable tobacco or alcohol products released from the factory by submitting a Tax Calculation Statement, the following documents shall be attached:
(1) Copy of tax payment receipt;
(2) Monthly production/sales statement, and tax-exempt tobacco or alcohol ex-factory statement
(3) Monthly statement of tax-exempt raw materials usage status
(4) Monthly statement of factory delivery sheets usage status
(5) Monthly statement of in and out of an untaxed warehouse
(6) Other documents as prescribed by the Ministry of Finance
Tobacco manufacturers shall pay the Tobacco Health and Welfare Surcharge when filing the tobacco tax return.
Article 14
Manufacturers shall produce a factory delivery sheet, which itemizes the quantity of taxed, tax-exempt, and untaxed tobacco or alcohol products shipped before the goods are released from the factory.
In case of tax-exempt tobacco and alcohol products as prescribed in the aforesaid paragraph, the product names and quantities on the factory delivery sheet shall be recorded according to the following documents, except for tax-exempt directly exported goods:
(1) For tax-exempt materials to be supplied to another manufacturer for the production of tobacco or alcohol products: the Application for Tax Exemption of Materials which is approved by the competent tax authority.
(2) For tobacco or alcohol products to be put on exhibition and returned to the same factory afterwards: the approval document which is issued by the competent tax authority.
Article 15
If the manufacturer has a processing department, the tobacco or alcohol tax and health and welfare surcharge payable on taxable goods transferred from the manufacturing department to the processing department shall be paid once a month, while the payment period and procedures shall be the same as those for ex-factory goods.
Article 16
If a consignor has registered as the taxpayer of tobacco or alcohol tax as provided in the second paragraph, Article 4 of the Act, the manufacturer shall fill out a factory delivery sheet when delivering the goods to the consignor. The consignor should record the receipt, sales and inventory of tobacco or alcohol products, and file a monthly return to pay tobacco or alcohol tax and health and welfare surcharge for such goods together with ex-factory tobacco or alcohol products manufactured for itself in the month.
Article 17
Manufacturers should use uniform invoices and state the name and specifications of their tobacco or alcohol products on the uniform invoice when issuing.
If a manufacturer also sells goods other than tobacco and alcohol products, the uniform invoices issued thereof should be separated from those of tobacco and alcohol products, unless a manufacturer uses issues electronic uniform invoices.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)