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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter 7 Exemption, Prohibition, Deferment of Induction and Mobilization
Article 34
The Service Age Male exempted in accordance with Articles 4 of the Act of Military Service System shall be approved by the conscription agency or unit at the local city or county government.
Article 35
That the male prohibited from service according to Articles 5, deferred from induction according to Subparagraph 2 of Paragraph 1 of Articles 35, and deferred from mobilization according to Subparagraph 6 of Paragraph 1 of Articles 41 of the Act of Military Service System shall be notified by the judicial institute/military court to local city or county government and handled complying with the following:
Subparagraph 1-The Service Age Male prohibited from service or deferred from induction shall be approved by the conscription agency or unit at the local city or county government.
Subparagraph 2-Reserved Military Men and Replacement Soldiers prohibited from service or deferred from mobilization shall be approved by the Ministry of National Defense subordinating responsible unit through the transfer by the conscription agency or unit at the local city or county government.
Article 36
The Service Age Male deferred in accordance with Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of Articles 35 shall be approved and ratified by educational authorities through the registers of students formulated by the school, and then be sanctioned by the conscription agency or unit at the local city or county government .
Article 37
Male exempted or prohibited from service or deferred from induction or mobilization shall present an application to the township/city/district government agency in person or by the householder and be ratified by the organizations and schools.
Article 38
The organizations and schools shall ratify to the township municipal and county/city governments or the Ministry of National Defense subordinating responsible unit if the cause to defer induction or mobilization was demolished and the Male deferred shall present an application to the township/city/district government agency in person or by the householder.
Article 39
Male reported and applied to exempted or prohibited from service, or deferred from induction or mobilization shall be issued with an appropriate certificate while municipal and county/city governments or the Ministry of National Defense subordinating responsible unit approving.
Article 40
One objecting to the decision of exempted or prohibited from service, or deferred from induction or mobilization shall apply for a review but the induction or mobilization shall not stop during the review.
Article 41
Enforcement Regulations for exemption or prohibition from service, and deferment from induction or mobilization shall be enacted by the Ministry of the Interior.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)