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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Urban Renewal Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
VII Supervision and Management
Article 74
When executing an urban renewal project according to Article 22 or 23, the implementer shall establish the corresponding urban renewal project plan according to the progress specified in the ratified project summary for approval. If the implementer fails to present the plan for approval before the deadline specified, the approved project summary shall lose its validity. The competent authority of the municipality and County (city) shall notify the land and legal building owners in the renewal unit, holders of other rights, agencies for registration of restriction requests and holders of the right to registration of caution.
If the urban renewal project plan cannot be sent for approval within the given time limit mentioned in the preceding paragraph, an extension can be applied by clearly specifying the reason. Each extension period cannot be more than 6 months; and is limited to two extensions only.
Article 75
After the approval of the urban renewal project plan, the municipal, county (city) authority can inspect the implementing situation of urban renewal project plans at any time or regularly based on the actual need.
Article 76
If any of the following circumstances is discovered during the inspection mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the municipal, county (city) authority should order the relevant party to remedy the situation within a given time limit or order it to stop the operation and fix the problem within a given time limit. If necessary, it can assign a person to supervise, take over or take any other necessary measures by municipal, county (city) authority:
1.Violation or alteration of the byelaws, business plans or right transformation plans.
2.Business neglected.
3.Serious deficiencies in the business and finance.
Implementers that do not obey the orders mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the municipal, county (city) authority can revoke its approved renewals, and can take it over compulsorily; the regulations for taking it over are instituted by the central authority.
Article 77
If an implementer delegated through open selection is found with unlawful acts or critical defects after the urban renewal project plan is approved and the condition is apparently disadvantageous to the owners and stakeholders, the owners or stakeholders may request the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) to investigate according Article 75 and take necessary action according to Article 76.
Article 78
Within six months after an urban renewal project is completed, the implementer shall present the as-built drawings, financial statement certified by accountants and renewal completion report to the competent authority of the municipality or county (city) in concern for reference.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)