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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 17:05

Chapter Law Content

Title: Urban Planning Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter VII: Organization and Budgets
Article 74
The Ministry of the Interior, governments at all levels, and township, and county-administered city offices shall create an urban planning committee to conduct urban plan research and examine.
The Executive Yuan shall stipulate the regulations regarding the organization of urban planning committees.
Article 75
The Ministry of the Interior, governments at all levels, and township, and county-administered city offices shall recruit and appoint urban planning specialists.
Article 76
Public land for roads, parks, greeneries, squares, waterways, and ports that falls into disuse due to implementation of urban plans and reclaimed land adjacent to areas covered by urban plans shall be managed and utilized by local governments or township, or county-administered city offices implementing the urban plan. The proceeds from disposal of such land may be appropriated to fund the implementation of urban plans.
Article 77
The budgets local governments or township, or county-administered city offices require to implement urban plans shall be provided from the following sources:
(1) Annual budgeting,
(2) Community development fees for construction projects,
(3) Appropriations from and appreciation tax income,
(4) Private donations,
(5) Funding from the central or county government,
(6) Profits of public services operated in developed areas,
(7) Proceeds from urban development fees.
The regulations regarding the imposition of urban development fees shall be enacted separately.
Article 78
The central government or special municipality or county/city governments may issue government bonds to raise the funds required to implement urban plans or land expropriation.
The regulations regarding the issuance of the government bonds stated in the preceding paragraph shall be enacted separately.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)