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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter 4. Penalties Provisions
Article 36
The competent authorities in municipalities or counties (cities) shall ban those who without certification from operating RHMB or RHSB. Violating this regulation, the person in charge of a company, a business, and a limited partnership as well as agents shall be fined between forty thousand and two hundred thousand NT dollars and be ordered to rectify matters within the specified period. Failure to rectify matters by the deadline will result in further punishment for each violation. If the violation is serious, the competent authority may suspend operations.
Article 37
If a rental housing service business is found in one of the following situations, the municipal or county (city) competent authorities may impose a civil fine between ten thousand and fifty thousand NT dollars and order the offender to rectify matters within the specified period. Failure to rectify matters by the deadline will result in further punishment for each violation.
1. The contents of advertisements are inconsistent with the facts, or the name of the rental housing service business is not specified, thus in contravention of Paragraphs 1 and 4 of Article 13.
2. Separate business branches commence operating without acquiring registration certificates, thus in contravention of Paragraph 3 of Article 19.
3. Failing to make up the operation deposit within the period, thus in contravention of Paragraph 5 of Article 22.
4. Employing those who are not qualified rental housing managers, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 25.
5. Performing before signing a commission contract of rental housing management, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 28.
6. Advertising or performing without lessor’s consent of subleasing and signing a lease, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 29.
7. Avoiding, impeding, or refusing to cooperate with the competent authority’s inspection, thus in contravention of Article 35.
Article 38
If a rental housing service business is found in one of the following situations, the competent authorities in a municipality, county or city may impose a civil fine between six thousand and thirty thousand NT dollars and order the offender to rectify matters within the specified period. Failure to rectify matters by the deadline will result in further punishment for each violation.
1. Commissioning other RHMB to carry out business, thus in contravention of Paragraph 2 of Article 28.
2. Failing to provide a check list of the status quo of the rental housing or documents that demonstrate the lessor’s consent, or failing to specify the boundary of the lease target, period, and cause for early termination (as agreed between RHSB and the lessor), when signing a lease with the sub-lessee, thus in contravention of Paragraph 2 of Article 29.
3. Failing to inform the sub-lessee of the termination of the sub-lease within the specified period, failing to coordinate in returning the rental housing, failing to inspect without reasonable causes, or failing to return prepaid rent and security deposit, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 30.
4. Failing to designate a full-time rental housing manager to sign the documents, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 32.
5. Failing to provide relevant information, or providing false information, to the competent authorities in municipalities and counties (cities), thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 34.
Article 38-1
If a party to a lease, as specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 5, contravenes the central competent authority's stipulated lease clause requirements and does not comply with corrective orders from the municipal or county (city) authorities within the designated period, they will incur a fine ranging from thirty thousand to three hundred thousand NT dollars. Continued non-compliance following a subsequent order will result in incremental fines of fifty thousand to five hundred thousand NT dollars for each instance of violation.
Article 38-2
That RHSB who violates Paragraph 2 of Article 34 without making rectifications within the time limit given by the competent authorities in a municipality, county or city, shall be fined between ten thousand and fifty thousand NT dollars.
That RHSB who violates Paragraph 2 of Article 34 by declaring incorrect information excluding rental price or area information, and fails to make rectifications within the time limit given by the competent authorities in a municipality, county or city, shall be fined between six thousand and thirty thousand NT dollars.
The RHSB or sub-lessee who violates Paragraph 5 of Article 34 by evading, hindering, or refusing the inspection should be fined by the competent authorities in a municipality, county or city between thirty thousand and one hundred fifty thousand NT dollars, and rectified within the time limit. Should rectification not be made by the deadline, a fine should be imposed for each subsequent violation.
Article 39
If a rental housing service business is found in one of the following situations, the competent authorities in a municipality, county or city may order the offender to rectify matters within a specified period. Failure to rectify matters by the deadline will result in a civil fine between six thousand and thirty thousand NT dollars.
1. Failing to apply for a revised permit before the deadline, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 21.
2. Failing to apply for a revised permit before the deadline, thus in contravention of Paragraph 2 of Article 21.
3. Failing to report changes of rental housing managers before the deadline, thus in contravention of Paragraph 3 of Article 21.
4. Failing to employ full-time rental housing managers, thus in contravention of Paragraph 2 of Article 25.
5. Failing to ensure that its rental housing managers are not employed by two or more rental housing service businesses at the same time, thus in contravention of Paragraph 3 of Article 25.
6. After signing leases, failing to inform the lessor in writing about subleasing before the deadline, thus in contravention of Paragraph 3 of Article 29.
7. Failing to display the relevant documents in business venues and websites, thus in contravention of Paragraph 1 of Article 33.
A rental housing service business which is fined pursuant to the preceding Paragraph and ordered to rectify matters within a specified period will be punished for each violation when it fails to rectify matters by the deadline.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)