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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/18 02:34

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 1 General Provision
Section 6 Administrative Appeal File
Article 48
The document concerning an administrative appeal case under custody of the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal shall be bound into file by the staff in charge of the case.
Article 49
An administrative appellant, intervenor appellant or administrative appeal representative might file an application to the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to view, cite, copy or photograph documents in the file or file an application to the agency to provide hand writing, copies, citation of the documents by paying fees in advance.
The standard of the fee stipulated in last Paragraph shall be made by the Yuan in charge.
Article 50
A thirty party who obtained the consent of the administrative appellant or provided prima facie evidence of the interest at stake might have also filed an application stipulated in last Article, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal permitted.
Article 51
To file an application for following documents under last two Articles shall be rejected by the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal:
1. The draft of an administrative appeal decision.
2. The documents of an administrative appeal decision for preparing or reviewing purpose.
3. The necessity to keep secret for the third party’s right or interest.
4. The necessity to keep secret according to other Acts or based on the public interest.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)