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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/28 02:29

Chapter Law Content

Chapter 7 Supervision over Judicial Administration
Article 45
Supervision over Judicial administration is prescribed as follows:
1. The Judicial Yuan President supervises the Juvenile and Family Court and all of its branches.
2. The High Court President supervises the Juvenile and Family Court and all of its branches.
3. The Juvenile and Family Court President supervises the Juvenile and Family Court and all of its branches.
Article 46
Persons with the supervision authority pursuant to the preceding Article may impose the following restrictions over supervised personnel:
1. Give orders to bring attention to matters concerning job duties.
2. Give warnings to personnel on subjects concerning poor performance, committing ultra vires or misconduct.
Article 47
In the event of a severe violation of Subparagraph 2 of the preceding Article or failure to heed a warning by a supervised personnel, the supervising officer may apply the Civil Servant Discipline Act in disciplinary action.
Article 48
Provisions in this Chapter shall not affect the independent exercising of judicial powers.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)