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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Civil Code CH
Category: Ministry of Justice(法務部)
Part Ⅱ Obligations
Chapter II Particular Kinds Of Obligations
Section 15 - Warehousing
Article 613
A Warehouseman is a person who undertakes, as a business, the storage and custody of goods for other persons for remuneration.
Article 614
In addition to the provisions of the present title, the provisions concerning Deposit shall apply mutatis mutandis to Warehousing.
Article 615
After the warehouseman received the goods and was required by the depositor shall make out and deliver to the depositor a receipt of warehousing.
Article 616
The receipt of warehousing shall contain the following particulars and be signed by the warehouseman:
(1) The name and address of the depositor;
(2) The place of storage;
(3) The kind of goods stored, their quality and quantity and the kind, number and marking of the packages;
(4) The place where and the date when the receipt of warehousing is made out.
(5) The period for which the goods are stored, if that has been fixed;
(6) The remuneration for storage;
(7) If the goods stored are insured, the amount of the insurance, the deadline for which the goods are insured and the name of the insurer.
The warehouseman shall enter the same particular mentioned above in the carbon copy of the warehouse register.
Article 617
The holder of the receipt of warehousing may require the warehouseman to divide the goods stored and to issue to him a separate receipt for each part, provided that the holder shall return the original receipt of warehousing to the warehouseman.
The expenses for such divisions and for the issuance of the new receipt of warehousing specified under the preceding paragraph shall be borne by the holder.
Article 618
The transfer of ownership of the goods entered in a receipt of warehousing is not effective unless the receipt has been endorsed by the owner of the goods with the counter-signature of the warehouseman.
Article 618-1
When the receipt of warehousing has been lost, stolen or destroyed, the holder of the receipt may, after the commencement of the proceedings by public summons, furnish proper security to the warehouseman and require for the re-issuance of a new receipt.
Article 619
The warehouseman shall not request the depositor to remove the goods before the expiration of the time agreed upon for the storage.
If no time has been agreed upon for the storage, the warehouseman may, after six months have elapsed from the commencement of the custody, request at any time, the removal of the goods, provided that one month's previous notice is given to the depositor.
Article 620
The warehouseman is bound, on the request of the depositor or of the holder of the receipt of warehousing, to allow them to inspect the goods deposited or to take samples, or the other necessary conducts for preservation.
Article 621
If, at the termination of the contract of warehousing, the depositor or holder of the receipt refuses or is unable to remove the goods deposited, the warehouseman may fix a reasonable deadline and request the depositor to remove the goods within such deadline. If the goods are not removed within such deadline, the warehouseman may sell them by auction, and deduct from the proceeds of the sale the expenses of the auction and the storage charges, and the balance, if any, shall be delivered to the person entitled thereto.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)