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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter VI, Supervision, counseling and assistance
Article 35
For supervision, counseling and assistance formula for irrigation associations, they shall be instituted by supervising authorities. Regulations for supervision, counseling and assistance formula for the Irrigation Association shall be promulgated by supervising authorities.
Article 36
If the Irrigation Association are found to violate laws or be derelict of duties, affecting public welfare,supervising authorities shall impose necessary disciplinary actions or restraints. If such violations are of certain magnitude, supervising authorities shall rectify or take over management for re-organization.
Article 37
The president or advisory committee of the Irrigation Association shall be dismissed from office if found to have one of the following:
1.Those convicted of treachery and espionage works;
2.Those convicted of fraud, embezzlement, breach of secrecy, and grafts;
3.Those convicted of crimes other than the two mentioned above, with imprisonment for a definite term but not a probation announcement, or those not yet pay penalties;
4.Those penalized for security reasons, or those who are subject to disciplinary actions.But this does not apply to those under constraints for probation reasons;
5.Those whose rights have been suspended and not yet been reinstated;
6.Having been declared a guardianship or assistantship has not been revoked.
Regulations for performance assessment, rewards and punishments for president and advisory committee of the Irrigation Association shall be promulgated by supervising authorities.
Article 38
The president and advisory committee shall not be found with the following conducts:
1.Directly, or indirectly contract constitution projects, or promote the sales of any facilities or merchandise to the associations;
2.Profit by abusing their powers of office or public funds;
3.Disclose public affair secrecies to illegally profit others;
4.Other conducts that violate the laws.
Article 38-1
One who is found committing any of the following behaviors in an election of the Irrigation Association shall be subject to imprisonment of up to three(3) years and, in addition thereto, may be imposed a fine of up to ninety thousand(90,000)Silver Dollars:
1.One who has the right of election and demands, agrees upon with a tacit accord or accepts properties or other unjustifiable interests in exchange of not electing or acting otherwise;
2.One who demands those having the right of election not to elect or to act otherwise by promising with a tacit accord or delivering properties or other unjustifiable interests;
3.One who demands a candidate to give up election campaign or hold certain campaign activities by promising with a tacit accord or delivering properties or other unjustifiable interests;
4.A candidate who demands, agrees upon with a tacit accord or accepts properties or other unjustifiable interests in exchange of giving up election campaign or holding certain campaign activities.
In case of any aforementioned crime committed, the properties so received shall be confiscated. If confiscation is impossible in full or in part, a demand for payment of a value equivalent to the properties concerned shall be made to the offender.
Article 38-2
One who is found using violence, intimidation or other unlawful ways to hinder another from campaigning for an election or force another to give up election campaign or obstruct others from freely exercising the right of election shall be subject to imprisonment of up to five(5)years and, in addition hereto, may be imposed a fine of up to one hundred and fifty thousand(150,000)Silver Dollars.
Any attempt to commit an offense as mentioned above shall be subject to punishment.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)