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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 11:38

Chapter Law Content

Chapter VI Reward and Punishment
Article 47
A student achieving any of the following accomplishments shall be rewarded or commend:
1. Good behavior that may serve as a fine example for other students to emulate;
2. Excellent academic performance or skill performance;
3. Excellent performance in physical education;
4. Accomplishment of an extraordinary honorable contribution.
Article 48
Rewards and incentives to be granted for accomplishments defined in the preceding article are as shown below:
1. Open commendation;
2. Awarding of an award certificate or a medal;
3. Awarding of prize money, books, and other award prizes.
Article 49
One or more of the following disciplinary actions shall be imposed to students violating disciplinary rules of the reform school:
1. Reprimand;
2. Suspension of correspondence rights for a maximum of seven days per instance;
3. Suspension of one to three visitation rights; and/or
4. Labor service for one to three days, and a maximum duration of two hours per day.
Article 50
Whenever a commendation is awarded to or disciplinary action is imposed on a student, due notification shall be forwarded to the student’s parents, guardian, or next of kin.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)