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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter II Disposition Procedures
Section IV Engaging in Derivatives Trading
Article 19
Public companies engaging in derivatives trading shall pay strict attention to control of the following important risk management and auditing matters, and incorporate them into their Procedures:
1.Trading principles and strategies: Shall include the types of derivatives that may be traded, operating or hedging strategies, segregation of duties, essentials of performance evaluation, total amount of derivatives contracts that my be traded, and the maximum loss limit on total trading and for individual contracts.
2.Risk management measures.
3.Internal audit system.
4.Regular evaluation methods and the handling of irregular circumstances.
Article 20
A public company engaging in derivatives trading shall adopt the following risk management measures:
1.Risk management shall address credit, market, liquidity, cash flow, operational, and legal risks.
2.Personnel engaged in derivatives trading may not serve concurrently in other operations such as confirmation and settlement.
3.Risk measurement, monitoring, and control personnel shall be assigned to a different department that the personnel in the preceding subparagraph and shall report to the board of directors or senior management personnel with no responsibility for trading or position decision-making.
4.Derivatives trading positions held shall be evaluated at least once per week; however, positions for hedge trades required by business shall be evaluated at least twice per month. Evaluation reports shall be submitted to senior management personnel authorized by the board of directors.
5.Other important risk management measures.
Article 21
Where a public company engaging in derivatives trading, its board of directors shall faithfully supervise and manage such trading in accordance with the following principles:
1.Designate senior management personnel to pay continuous attention to monitoring and controlling derivatives trading risk.
2.Periodically evaluate whether derivatives trading performance is consistent with established operational strategy and whether the risk undertaken is within the company's permitted scope of tolerance.
Senior management personnel authorized by the board of directors shall manage derivatives trading in accordance with the following principles:
1.Periodically evaluate the risk management measures currently employed are appropriate and are faithfully conducted in accordance with these Regulations and the procedures for engaging in derivatives trading formulated by the company.
2.When irregular circumstances are found in the course of supervising trading and profit-loss circumstances, appropriate measures shall be adopted and a report immediately made to the board of directors; where a company has independent directors, an independent director shall be present at the meeting and express an opinion.
A company shall report to the soonest meeting of the board of directors after it authorizes the relevant personnel to handle derivates trading in accordance with its Procedures for Engaging in Derivatives Trading.
Article 22
A public company engaging in derivatives trading shall establish a log book in which details of the types and amounts of derivatives trading engaged in, board of directors approval dates, and the matters required to be carefully evaluated under subparagraph 4 of Article 20 and subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1, and subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2, of the preceding article shall be recorded in detail in the log book.
A public company's internal audit personnel shall periodically make a determination of the suitability of internal controls on derivatives and conduct a monthly audit of how faithfully derivatives trading by the trading department adheres to the procedures for engaging in derivatives trading, and prepare an audit report. If any material violation is discovered, all supervisors shall be notified in writing.
Where independent directors have been appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Act, for matters for which notice shall be given to the supervisors under the preceding paragraph, written notice shall also be given to the independent directors.
Where an audit committee has been established in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the provisions of paragraph 2 relating to supervisors shall apply mutatis mutandis to the audit committee.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)