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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Title: Negotiable Instruments Act CH
Category: Financial Supervisory Commission(金融監督管理委員會)
Chapter II Bills of Exchange
Section 4 Acceptance for Honor
Article 53
When a referee in case of need is designated on a bill, if the holder is entitled to exercise his right of recourse before the date of maturity, he may request the referee in case of need to intervene and accept the bill for honor.
Any person, except for a referee in case of need or a person already liable on the bill, may, with the consent of the holder, intervene and accept it for the honor of any of the persons liable on the bill.
Article 54
An acceptance for honor shall be entered on the face of the bill, stating the following items, and shall be signed by the acceptor for honor:
1. An expression of intent to intervene and accept.
2. Name of the party for whose honor the acceptance is made.
3. Year, month, and date.
If it is not expressly stated for whose honor the acceptance is made, it is deemed to be for the honor of the drawer.
When a referee in case of need intervenes and accepts a bill, the acceptance shall be for the honor of the person who designated the referee in case of need.
Article 55
If an acceptor for honor intervenes without a prior procuration from the party for whose honor the acceptance is made, he shall notify the person of the fact within 4 days after the intervention.
In case the acceptor for honor fails to give the notice referred to in the preceding paragraph, he shall be liable for damages.
Article 56
After having assented to an acceptance for honor, the holder may not exercise his right of recourse before the maturity of the bill.
After an acceptance for honor, the party for whose honor the acceptance is made and any party prior to him may still make payment to the holder of the sums of money set out in Article 97 and request the holder to surrender the bill and the protest.
Article 57
If the drawee or his paying agent fails to make payment within the time limit set forth in Articles 69 and 70, the liability to pay the sums of money set out in Article 97 shall then fall upon the acceptor for honor.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)