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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 18:16

Chapter Law Content

Title: Urban Planning Act CH
Category: Ministry of the Interior(內政部)
Chapter VI: Urban Renewal
Article 63
If necessary, special municipality or county/city governments , or township and county-administered city offices may act according to detailed plans, demarcate the areas considered deteriorated or disorderly, and establish and implement the corresponding renewal plans.
Article 64
Urban renewal shall be conducted through the three following approaches:
(1) Reconstruction: The entire area is expropriated, buildings are torn down for reconstruction, residents are resettled, and the land may also be reclassified or the land use density redefined.
(2) Renovation: The buildings inside the area undergo compulsory modification, reparation, maintenance or facility improvement. If necessary, part of the land and buildings in the designated areas may be expropriated; the buildings may be torn down and rebuilt, and the public facilities improved.
(3) Maintenance: The administration of the land use and buildings inside such areas is reinforced and the public facilities improved and maintained in good condition.
Special municipality or county/city governments shall establish the criteria for demarcation of areas to undergo renewal according to the local situations and purposes and present them to the Ministry of the Interior for approval.
Article 65
Renewal plans shall include the following:
(1) The detailed design specifications of the sections to undergo reconstruction, renovation and maintenance,
(2) The land use plan,
(3) The plans specifications for the construction, reparation or improvement of the public facilities inside the area,
(4) The implementation plan,
(5) The financial plan,
(6) The implementation schedule.
Article 66
Demarcation of areas to undergo renewal and the formulation, modification, and presentation for approval and announcement of renewal plans shall be conducted according to the procedures set forth in related detailed plans.
Article 67
Renewal plans shall be executed by the concerned special municipality or county/city government , or township, or county-administered city office.
Article 68
When executing renewal plans, the competent authority may act according to related regulations for the purchase or zone expropriation of the land and buildings within the renewal area.
Article 69
After an area to undergo renewal is demarcated, terrain changes, new construction, additional construction or reconstruction of buildings in places where dismantling and reconstruction are to be implemented shall be prohibited.
Article 70
Agencies or institutions in charge of renewal plans may surrender or put up for sale the sites where buildings have been dismantled for reconstruction and cleared up. Successors shall rebuild according to the time frame set forth in the renewal plan. The competent authority shall repossess the land at the original selling price from those failing to comply and conduct the reconstruction or sell the site to a different party.
Article 71
When necessary, a special municipality or county/city government , or township, or county-administered city office may stipulate supplementary regulations to strengthen land and building use control in specific areas and enforce the said regulations after obtaining approval from the Ministry of the Interior.
Article 72
Agencies or institutions executing renewal plans may order the buildings inside the area covered by the plan to undergo modification , reparation, maintenance, or facility improvement and also provide technical assistance.
Article 73
Public housing projects shall be formulated and executed in coordination with the urban renewal plans implemented by special municipality or county/city governments or township, or county-administered city offices. All public housing projects shall include a certain percentage of affordable homes to be sold or rented to residents to be resettled in implementation of renewal plans.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)