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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Chapter Law Content

Chapter Ⅱ Commercial trade councils
Section Four: Meeting
Article 23
Commercial trade council should inform the representatives of its members of general meeting and report to competent authorities to ask for personnel to attend the meeting in accordance with Article 28 of the act, declaring the type, date, locale of meeting, submitting agenda of the meeting; when the meeting affairs concerns purpose enterprise, commercial trade council may report to purpose enterprise competent authorities to ask for personnel to attend the meeting.
The relevant prescriptions in article 28 of the act also apply to meetings of council or board of supervisors.
Article 24
Commercial trade councils hold preliminary meetings in accordance with Article 30 of the act, the division of district and number of group representatives to be elected from each group member are to be adopted councils and reported to competent authorities for future reference.
Article 25
Within 15 days after the closings of meetings, commercial trade council should send minutes of the meetings (general meeting, meeting of council and meeting of board of supervisors) to members, competent authorities and purpose enterprise competent authorities respectively for review.
If other meetings concern the interests or benefits of particular members, those members should be informed to attend.
Article 26
The head of directors is the chairman of general meeting of commercial trade council, or three to five of directors, supervisors, standing directors and supervisors are to be elected to form a presidium and hold the post of chairman in turn.
Article 27
The number of member representatives of general meeting of commercial trade council is calculated according to the number of member representatives exclusive of those in punishment of authorities suspension.
Article 28
The head of directors or convener of board of supervisors who don’t convene relevant meetings punctually in accordance with Article 31 of the act for two times are considered to have resigned, their posts of head of directors or convener of board of supervisors are relieved immediately and new head of directors and convener are to be elected or appointed.
Article 29
Directors and supervisors of commercial trade council should attend meetings of council and board of supervisors in person, no substitute by others is allowed, two consecutive leaves are considered to be one absence (except for leave of absence to attend to public affairs), those absent from two consecutive meetings are considered to have resigned, and the vacancies are to be filled by backup directors and supervisors.
Article 30
When the meeting affairs or operations of commercial trade council concern the authorities of directors and supervisors, it should be conferred in meeting attended by both more than half of the directors and supervisors respectively, the decisions shall take effect only when approved by more than half of the directors and more than half of supervisors attending the meeting.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)