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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/07/14 08:42

Chapter Law Content

Title: Farmer Health Insurance Act CH
Category: Ministry of Agriculture(農業部)
CHAPTER Ⅳ Insurance Payment
Section 2 Payment for Procreation
Article 24
In any of the following circumstances, an insured person or his/her spouse may claim the payment for procreation:
1.Childbirth after the insured person has been covered by the Insurance.
2.Premature delivery after the insured person has been covered by the Insurance.
Prior to the coming into effect of the amendment to this Article of December 7, 2021, in cases of childbirth or premature delivery, the provisions for claims for the payment for procreation from prior to the coming into effect of this amendment shall apply.
Article 25
The standards for payment for procreation are as follows:
1.For childbirth or premature delivery, a sum three times the insured amount of the month when the incident occurs shall be paid in a single payment.
2.For twin birth or above, the sum shall be increased in proportion.
In cases in which the insured person qualifies at the same time to collect procreation payments from relevant social insurance, that person must choose to collect from only one form of insurance.
In cases in which childbirth or premature delivery occur prior to the taking effect of the amendments to these provisions made on January 10, 2023, the standards for their procreation payment that applied before the amendments shall continue to apply.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)