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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

Print Time:2024/09/27 17:28

Chapter Law Content

Title: Act for the Establishment and Management of Free trade zones CH
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Chapter VI Entry and Departure Permission and Free trade zone Access Permit
Article 35
Any foreign business personnel who has been permitted after the application by a free-trade-zone enterprise on his behalf filed to and forwarded by the management authority of the free trade zone may apply for the entry visa upon his arrival in the ROC.
Business personnel from the Mainland Area, Hong Kong or Macao may apply for entry into the free trade zone to conduct business activities in accordance with relevant acts and regulations concerning the cross-strait relationship. Regulations thereof shall be prescribed otherwise.
Article 36
Except for the necessary administrative personnel, security guards, on-duty personnel of free-trade-zone enterprises in the same free trade zone, business personnel entered in the free trade zone, and other personnel who have good cause and have been approved by the management authority of the free trade zone, no other person may be allowed to reside therein.
Each free-trade-zone enterprise in a free trade zone shall submit a roster of its employees and their photos for applying the long-term access permit or pass with the management authority of the free trade zone. Other personnel may apply for a temporary access permit or pass to the management authority of that free trade zone for entry.
Personnel, vehicles, and goods entering and/or departing a free trade zone shall be permitted to enter and depart from the location designated by the management authority with the relevant access clearance papers. Necessary checks or inspections shall be conducted accordingly.
Regulations governing the application of entry, departure and the qualification of permit application procedure, appended documents, annulment, revocation or other items to be obeyed by inhabitation of personnel, vehicle, and articles and relevant matters set forth in the preceding three paragraphs shall be prescribed by the competent authority.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)